May 21, 2024

128 : Learning To Trust Yourself and Overcome Self-Doubt Through Entrepreneurship with Haley Hoover

In this episode: Starting a Business, Self-Awareness, Overcoming Perfectionism, Finding Purpose, Creativity and Personal Development

Episode Summary: Haley shares her personal journey of starting her own business and the challenges she faced along the way. She emphasizes the importance of purpose and self-belief in pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors.

Guest Bio: Haley Hoover is the owner of the Sparkling Hippie, LLC, where she specializes in business coaching for wellness-based businesses. With a background in marketing and PR, Haley combines her passion for creativity and personal development to help her clients achieve their goals.

Guest Contact Information:
• Website:

Key Takeaways:
• Starting a business is a journey that requires commitment and belief in oneself.
• Purpose is crucial in sustaining motivation and overcoming challenges.
• Embracing creativity and intuition can lead to personal and professional growth.
• Perfectionism can hinder progress, and it's important to trust the process and be adaptable.
• Self-awareness and emotional resilience are essential for navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Guest Name - Key Topics: 

Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

2. If you're at or nearing FI, but feel stuck and unable to move forward to your next chapter,
let's chat.

My 8-week small group coaching program started May 17th.

The first group is SOLD OUT but you can JOIN THE WAITLIST.

By the end of the 8 week small group program, you will:

  • Have a clear and exciting vision for the next chapter of your life
  • Be able to point to specific and tangible ways you’re already living that vision

If you’re ready to finally start living the next chapter of your life, let's chat.

Book a no-pressure curiosity call


00:00:05.440 --> 00:00:17.079
Welcome to the Mindful Fire Podcast, a show about crafting a life you love and making work optional using the tools of mindfulness, envisioning, and financial independence.

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I'm your host, Adam Coelho, and I'm so glad you're here.

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Mindfulness helps you develop self awareness to know yourself better and what's most important to you by practicing a kind, curious awareness.

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Envisioning is all about choosing to think big about your life and putting the power of your predicting brain to work to create the life you dream of.

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And financial independence brings awareness and choice to your financial life, empowering you to make your vision a reality by getting your money sorted out and ultimately making work optional.

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And here's the best part, you don't have to wait until you reach financial independence to live out your vision.

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Mindful Fire is about using these tools to craft that life now on the path to financial independence and beyond.

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If you're ready to start your mindful fire journey, go to mindfulfire.

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org slash start and download my free envisioning exercise in just 10 minutes.

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This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life.

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Again, you can download it for free at mindfulfire.

00:01:20.876 --> 00:01:22.126
org slash start.

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Let's jump into today's episode.

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Welcome to the Mindful Fire Podcast.

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I'm so glad to have you here.

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Thank you Adam.

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I'm excited to be here as well.

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Yeah, I know it's been a long time coming.

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I first heard you speak to my team at Google, I think it was at the start of the year or end of last year, and I said, we have to get you on the podcast.

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And I had to reschedule for some reason, but here we are.

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We made it and I'm thrilled to have you here.

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Yeah, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, so I think we'll have a good conversation.

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I'd love to have you start by sharing with the audience a little bit about who you are, your journey, and what you're up to in the world.

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So I am the owner of the Sparkling Hippie, L l c.

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That's my business.

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it's evolved over the years, but essentially I am a, business coach.

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I specialize in helping, wellness based businesses launch and grow their businesses.

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but I have worked with all different type of industries.

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I started that in 2018 and it's been a journey.

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So I'm what, five, six years in.

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and then the last probably three years I've gotten into corporate wellness events.

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similar to what we did at Google for your team, that is hosting some really fun, interesting classes that combine abstract art techniques, as well as journaling a little bit of yoga.

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And bringing that into personal development.

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that's my two things I'm into right now.

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Very cool.

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So you've been doing this for about five years, six years now.

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how did you make the leap to starting your own business?

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What were you doing before and how did you decide now's the time, I'm gonna go all in on this business.

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My life's been a pretty wild ride in a good way.

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so when I was in college, back in 20 12, 20 13, I was what, 19, 20 years old.

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And I felt very strongly in my bones that I didn't know the words, I didn't know the word entrepreneur.

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the internet was.

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it was around, but people making money on the internet was this relatively new concept.

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I don't know if anyone knows Pioneer Woman.

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That was the only person in my life that I had heard of that was blogging and making money doing it.

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I was actually studying public relations and was doing quite well.

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but I felt in my bones that I was like, I don't think I'm gonna do pr.

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I just don't, I feel like I, I would go to my PR classes, I was head of the PR society, make all these, all this stuff, and then I would rush home so I could blog and so I could work on my blog so I could redesign my logo 12 times.

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And, I was just really into this piece about somehow helping people through the internet and I had no idea what that looked like.

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And I remember talking to my friends at the time and we were like, yeah, there's something out there, but what is it?

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Which is, Crazy 10 years later because look at us zooming, right?

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so I, I knew I wanted to help people.

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I knew I wanted to write and use the internet essentially.

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so I quit college.

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That's my first big leap to do this.

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long story short, I went back, finished up.

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I had a semester left when I quit.

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So you can imagine how terrified my parents were.

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That's pretty far along to say

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long semester.

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And I was, like I said, top of the class, all this, stuff, but I just knew it wasn't what I wanted.

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So anyway, I go back, I finished, I took a job in PR the whole time.

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I'm like still blogging, still trying to figure this out.

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Starting to take what little online classes we had at the time for how to make money online.

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Still a new concept, right?

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so a couple years go by and I'm like, I know I need to do this.

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I know this is where I'm supposed to live my life, like purpose is the word I use.

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So I quit my job and moved to Australia naturally, right?

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Just very logical decision there.

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thinking, my idea was that, oh, I'll have a lot less expenses living abroad of living out of a backpack and I'll have all this free time to make this business thing work.

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so I had a great time.

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I blogged the whole time, didn't make a dollar from it, I learned a lot.

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come back home to Oklahoma, take another PR job.

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And this time I'm like, okay, I know that I want to do this blog thing.

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And that's the only word I knew how to use at the time.

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I was starting, digital nomads, those terminologies were starting to come into play entrepreneurship.

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I knew that's what I wanted, but it still felt like how do I get there?

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I'm doing the things, but how do I make it profitable to where I can actually do this full time?

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so while I was at the last PR job, I, invested heavily in my, financial mindset, which I know you'll probably like to talk about.

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just financial stories that I was telling myself, oh, you can't make money doing this, or You have to work hard, or, all of these things.

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I started looking into all of that.

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I got twice certified as a life coach, and I saw that as a revenue stream.

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and then I just heavily invested, financially, energetically, mentally, all of it in.

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How do I actually build a business?

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How do I actually make money from it?

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Because I had all the PR stuff, I knew how to, getting on camera was no big deal.

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Writing all of that was great, but how do I turn it into a profitable business?

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so two years of that and then a, another natural leap.

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I quit my job to move to New Zealand for a year.

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Did Australian, I gotta do to New Zealand.

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Which worked out because at that point, so this is now 2019, I had actually built a business.

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I had offerings, I had a, business entity established.

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I had my name.

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So when I left my job in 2019, I was actually prepared to grow it, It wasn't me just blogging about whatever.

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2019 and 2020 were very hard.

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So I'm now a business coach and I strongly advise my clients not to quit their job and go do what I did.

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It was great, but, it takes most businesses at least five years to be profitable.

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That's the average.

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And I knew that, but no one could tell me anything.

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but I was very willing for the first two years of my business, I lived on very little.

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I went without, everything.

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I owned all my credit.

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I was willing to invest all my credit cards into the business, drop my credit score, knowing that it was ultimately a financially wise decision.

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Cuz ultimately, there's good debt and bad debt, right?

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And I knew this was gonna be good debt, but that doesn't mean it wasn't really hard.

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so finally, then Covid hit, that kind of brought actually a lot of business to me because people realized online business was a thing.

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All of a sudden people found out about Zoom, people found out about, oh, you can be my coach in, California when I'm living in Germany, or whatever.

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so that worked out.

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but talking about the five year thing, I'm really at the five year mark now.

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And I feel like I'm just now getting to that, a little bit of stability, I can spend a little more, I can start looking at getting a new car or something like that.

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I share this because I feel like there is a huge misinformation out there that I know I was fully believing.

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I'm gonna quit my job and within six months I'll be a millionaire.

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And I had the mindset for it.

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I had the gumption for it.

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But it just doesn't typically work that way.

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yeah, I feel like people need to know, I feel like it's important to, to know the truth.

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My truth, I think it is important to share that part of your story and the fact that most people starting a business especially if they haven't done it before, they're not just gonna jump in and be having a profitable business producing a ton of cash flow.

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You see these people online, everyone's marketing, oh, just take my course and next thing you're gonna be making six figures or seven figures or eight figures.

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They're all about the figures, Yeah.

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And it's no, that's probably not gonna happen for most people.

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And I've been dabbling in entrepreneurship for most of my life in various ways.

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From Lemonade stands to like trying to start a SAS business and pursuing one of those programs where it's in six months you're gonna have a SAS business.

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And the rat race is gonna be behind you.

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It's maybe not.

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People listening to this probably have heard my story about envisioning myself out of a job at Google, but we don't need to go into that now.

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But I think it's really important to realize, you gotta figure it out.

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And my big realization is now as I try to turn this podcast into a business and start off creating offers to support people, who are pursuing financial independence, nearing financial independence, and trying to figure out what they're doing next, I'm being faced with not only what do I do in the business, but like my own self-doubt.

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I'm sure you come across a lot of that with your clients.

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there's just so much like emotional and self-awareness that you need to develop as you pursue these things, that you're trying to create something from nothing.

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A hundred percent.

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A hundred percent.

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I think probably these people who are selling, six months to six figures I think they're well-meaning, of the reality that I see with myself, my friends, my clients, is it's a journey.

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Just like you're saying.

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I feel like probably I was really well ahead of my peers in when I started my business, cuz I had all this marketing, pr, communications background, like I whipped out newsletters, all of that.

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But that doesn't mean I believed in myself.

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That doesn't mean that I felt comfortable being, I.

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Really vulnerable it depends on the type of business you're starting.

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I think there's so many things.

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I think there's, the mental know-how, but I also think, you have to be, like you're saying emotionally and mentally confident.

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and I also think there's an element of purpose.

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If it's not your purpose, it's not gonna work.

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I see a lot of new entrepreneurs go with oh, maybe I'll do this cuz it makes money.

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I had a time where I was like, oh, I'll just do PR freelance cuz that'll make money quick.

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If your heart's not in it, it's not gonna work.

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Because any type of business, whether you're good at it, whether it seems easy, you have to be 200% gung-ho, committed from the inside out.

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don't even try if you don't feel that way about the work that you're trying to turn into a business, if that makes sense.

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Yeah, absolutely.

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Because when times get tough, you're not gonna have that purpose to pull you forward over the difficult time and to that next challenge.

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you're gonna give up because it's gonna be like, oh, that didn't work.

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And all the self-doubt and all those things are gonna come into play and you're not gonna have that like burning desire to keep you going.

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And the going will get tough.

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It will for sure.

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It is hard.

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It's very hard.

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Especially if you're doing it by yourself.

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tell me a little bit about how the business evolved as you identified Business coaching as a viable plan.

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So when I first started, I was doing, creative coaching, And my whole idea was I'm an artist, I paint and I was seeing, all these creative people in my life who'd made amazing works of art way better than what I was making even.

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But they lacked a confidence in themselves and I was, watching and I was like, the only thing keeping them from being a full-time artist or successful artist is their mentality.

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so I did that for a while, which was interesting.

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But ultimately, it just wasn't quite aligned.

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so like I said, I tried doing the PR thing and I was like, eh, it's not really my passion.

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I know that.

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and then naturally people started coming to me for wanting to publish their books, wanting to launch their businesses.

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I think they just saw that I had the marketing and PR background, and I had invested so much in myself that I couldn't speak to how to start a business.

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so it just happened and I loved it.

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So I shifted gears, but all the while, started doing the business coaching, but all the while it felt very separate.

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okay, here's marketing, business coaching, but there's this piece to me that's doing this intuitive art and having a blast and like wanting to somehow help people creatively and, and it was coming into mixing together, but I couldn't figure it out.

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I think our ego likes to keep things in boxes and keep them separate.

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And the more personal development work I did and let go of that ego, the more I just saw these two things coming together and they're still slowly coming together.

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But ultimately what happened is I thought, okay, so I love doing abstract art and I love it because that's where I free my mind.

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That's where I practice trusting outside of myself.

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That's where I, practice letting go.

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I love it because there's no rules.

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for a while I did, pretty pictures where, horse is brown and the sky's blue.

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And it was exhausting.

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Cause I was like, no, I live that world all day long.

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I wanna go somewhere where I can just throw paint around.

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It has no meaning.

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It has no, and it just feels good to do it.

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And so I started seeing in my business coaching clients, they didn't have that.

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They needed that release, that like ability to trust, letting their business evolve, like trust all of these things that come up in business.

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and so I thought, I'm gonna try it.

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So I created a, a workshop where I just chose a couple of abstract art techniques.

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Like literally we're talking scribbling, maybe even just looking at a picture upside down, things like that.

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I had about 10 friends join me, and it allowed them to step into the intuitive creative part of their brain.

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That they weren't really using that often.

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they loved it, had great feedback.

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And so I was like, this feels right.

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This feels exciting to me.

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it really brings two pieces of what I'm passionate about together, the personal development, the ambition with the creativity and the intuition.

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I just started putting it out there, Hey, I'm doing these.

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I'd love to do'em for your team.

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from there I literally went to my downtown in, I was in Sonora, California at the time.

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I just passed out fires.

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I'm doing this, I wanna do it for your team, I wanna do it for your friends, whatever.

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And, yeah, I landed the Google gig.

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I've since presented to some really awesome corporate teams, like, Microsoft, Pinterest, and it's.

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Just because I'm putting myself out there and asking for it.

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And also that piece I mentioned earlier about it being in alignment with who I am and what I'm here to do.

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right back to the purpose piece, right?

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So how would you summarize your purpose?

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that's a great question.

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I feel like I'm here to help people become who they're born to be.

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And that's the vague way of saying it.

00:16:49.677 --> 00:17:07.352
But I do, I really believe, whether it's through the workshops or the business coaching, people come to me and they know what they wanna do, but they have so many fears, so many blocks about doing it, and I'm allowing them an outlet or an option.

00:17:07.922 --> 00:17:09.957
To go for it, to, just try it.

00:17:09.957 --> 00:17:15.207
Just what if you chose a different story and tried it a different way.

00:17:15.386 --> 00:17:15.717

00:17:15.717 --> 00:17:21.382
And if you want a more specific answer would be helping people find themselves with art and journaling.

00:17:23.291 --> 00:17:23.592

00:17:23.652 --> 00:17:24.132
I love it.

00:17:24.231 --> 00:17:33.737
I really love how you identify that need for yourself, That need to have that creative outlet where there are no rules.

00:17:34.686 --> 00:17:37.336
And Yeah, I think for me, it's needed, right?

00:17:37.537 --> 00:17:40.602
I don't know exactly how much of that I have.

00:17:40.602 --> 00:17:46.086
I think I have a little bit, and more than most, cuz I'm all like about envisioning and.

00:17:46.626 --> 00:17:50.737
brainstorming and just like letting my mind run wild, basically.

00:17:50.737 --> 00:18:04.146
And journaling and things like seeing the connections between things that don't seem like they would be connected, but I can see the value in having a space or a practice where you're just painting and you're just trusting.

00:18:04.146 --> 00:18:11.791
I've had times where I don't know if I was drawing or what I was doing, but I'm not good at any of those things, but I'm just like, hmm, maybe this, and then maybe that mm-hmm.

00:18:12.142 --> 00:18:12.912
There's no right answer.

00:18:12.961 --> 00:18:13.311

00:18:13.362 --> 00:18:21.791
A place where there's no right answer is powerful because I am the type of person who's always looking for the right answer.

00:18:21.852 --> 00:18:22.152

00:18:22.451 --> 00:18:28.961
Cause you know, I did well in school and I always wanted the teacher to say, good job, Adam, and all of this stuff.

00:18:29.291 --> 00:18:30.701
And that's exhausting.

00:18:31.557 --> 00:18:32.186
And that's how

00:18:32.186 --> 00:18:34.227
we're raised like society.

00:18:34.231 --> 00:18:35.547
There is a right answer, right?

00:18:35.547 --> 00:18:35.787

00:18:35.817 --> 00:18:36.106

00:18:36.446 --> 00:18:36.807

00:18:36.926 --> 00:18:44.356
And so then we have all these people who are working these, awesome corporate jobs and they're checking all the right boxes.

00:18:44.547 --> 00:18:47.247
the right answers, but they feel empty inside.

00:18:47.301 --> 00:18:48.201
They feel unfulfilled.

00:18:48.531 --> 00:18:58.521
And so that's where I'm like, let's look at what's under the surface because there's a person underneath the people pleaser, whatever.

00:18:58.521 --> 00:19:02.751
Like how we're trained to just, like you said, like say the right answer.

00:19:02.751 --> 00:19:04.791
Do the right thing, and you'll be successful.

00:19:04.797 --> 00:19:09.192
There's a real person underneath that has maybe a totally different desire.

00:19:09.192 --> 00:19:18.461
And I think like you're talking about, when you're in the flow of creating, doing art or something, that's where the mind can relax and you can find those answers.

00:19:18.461 --> 00:19:20.082
You can find out what you're craving.

00:19:20.652 --> 00:19:23.221
yeah, I think it's just giving ourselves.

00:19:23.596 --> 00:19:26.477
The space to step into that, to let it unfold.

00:19:26.477 --> 00:19:32.057
and if especially talking about running a business, there's no right answer in business.

00:19:32.146 --> 00:19:32.896
There's not.

00:19:33.047 --> 00:19:35.626
It's, it is a, just as I've shared, it's a journey.

00:19:35.632 --> 00:19:39.086
It's a unraveling, it's a, it's a walk to walk.

00:19:39.717 --> 00:19:40.007

00:19:40.946 --> 00:19:48.497
but the mindset of there should be a right answer doesn't leave you when you start business.

00:19:48.501 --> 00:20:06.500
So I intuitively know there isn't a right answer, but as I'm like building this, I find myself wanting to have it correct And to do it the right way and to, I procrastinate a lot because I want it to be perfect, even though I wouldn't say that I'm trying to make it perfect.

00:20:06.861 --> 00:20:07.151

00:20:07.161 --> 00:20:08.590
Like, how do you help people?

00:20:10.161 --> 00:20:15.675
Work through like perfectionism and how do you help people trust themselves?

00:20:16.036 --> 00:20:16.675
And that's a journey.

00:20:17.296 --> 00:20:18.885
I don't have a quick fix.

00:20:18.891 --> 00:20:20.195
I have some quick activities.

00:20:21.016 --> 00:20:21.236

00:20:21.496 --> 00:20:23.086
I imagine it's a lifelong journey.

00:20:23.145 --> 00:20:23.415
It is

00:20:23.415 --> 00:20:24.556
a lifelong journey, yes.

00:20:24.766 --> 00:20:33.266
but that's where, some of the offerings I have doing, intuitive movement, yoga, journaling is totally mystical.

00:20:33.266 --> 00:20:35.746
Allowing you to open yourself up to something higher.

00:20:35.965 --> 00:20:39.415
a lot of times my clients just jumped on my page when you asked me that question.

00:20:39.776 --> 00:20:44.056
Allowing the instinct to come to the forefront is the key.

00:20:44.655 --> 00:20:47.508
I will say I just finished pretty excited about this.

00:20:47.865 --> 00:20:49.425
I just created a.

00:20:49.996 --> 00:20:51.405
Free guide.

00:20:51.586 --> 00:20:53.806
So I'll share it with your audience.

00:20:53.806 --> 00:20:55.516
You guys will be the first to try it out.

00:20:56.205 --> 00:20:58.516
it's a five minute mindfulness activity.

00:20:59.655 --> 00:21:02.086
All you need is a sticky note and a sharpie or a pen.

00:21:03.375 --> 00:21:08.105
And I don't wanna get too much away, but literally scribbling.

00:21:08.246 --> 00:21:10.256
That's one of my biggest go-to tips.

00:21:10.346 --> 00:21:11.096

00:21:11.395 --> 00:21:13.286
Scribble and let it be messy.

00:21:13.286 --> 00:21:14.486
Let it be what it is.

00:21:14.486 --> 00:21:17.786
doesn't have to be something that you can recognize with your logic brain.

00:21:17.816 --> 00:21:18.836
It can be a scribble.

00:21:19.256 --> 00:21:21.355
And just notice how that feels.

00:21:21.361 --> 00:21:28.681
even I've had people cry because I told them to close their eyes and scribble with a sharpie because it is an act of releasing control.

00:21:28.685 --> 00:21:30.211
It is an act of trusting.

00:21:30.211 --> 00:21:40.736
It is an act of letting it be imperfect, I think there's a lot to that, what you're asking almost all of us struggle with perfectionism, overthinking, fear of judgment of others.

00:21:40.736 --> 00:21:51.556
And I think it's because of the structures we have in our Western society, you think about how you went through K through 12, there are rules and it's, this or that.

00:21:51.556 --> 00:22:03.115
That's it, I think it takes time to unwind from that path and rediscover your intuitive knowing and your yes no muscles within yourself, not just from an external source.

00:22:04.096 --> 00:22:04.846
go scribble.

00:22:04.900 --> 00:22:05.890
Do some scribbling.

00:22:05.894 --> 00:22:06.525
I like it.

00:22:06.525 --> 00:22:06.944

00:22:07.615 --> 00:22:10.214
honestly, I find it very difficult to.

00:22:12.015 --> 00:22:13.394
Release all of that.

00:22:13.454 --> 00:22:24.734
Like even knowing it is like in my head that this is not helpful, like trying to do it perfectly and right and all these things and just waiting for it to be perfect.

00:22:25.154 --> 00:22:29.920
It's not helpful, but releasing that I think is really challenging.

00:22:29.920 --> 00:22:32.230
So yes, scribbling, that's a great one.

00:22:32.529 --> 00:22:33.279
A great idea.

00:22:33.279 --> 00:22:39.279
And journaling, I think just like sitting down and just putting pen to paper and just letting it flow.

00:22:39.670 --> 00:22:42.369
I imagine you're familiar with the artist's Sway.

00:22:42.700 --> 00:22:43.450

00:22:43.509 --> 00:22:46.829
Very much You seem like someone who would be familiar with the Artist's way.

00:22:47.309 --> 00:22:47.430

00:22:47.509 --> 00:22:47.930

00:22:47.930 --> 00:22:55.640
and for those listening, it's a book that basically helps you reconnect with your creative child within, I think.

00:22:56.240 --> 00:22:56.299

00:22:56.329 --> 00:22:59.450
But there's two kind of main practices.

00:22:59.500 --> 00:23:01.000
it suggests.

00:23:01.089 --> 00:23:10.210
And the first is, Morning pages, which is basically sitting down and just letting stream of consciousness, pen to paper, whatever comes up.

00:23:10.214 --> 00:23:12.970
Just put it down on paper, each morning.

00:23:13.000 --> 00:23:20.289
And then there's the second, which is artist dates, which is basically just like taking yourself out on a date to do something creative.

00:23:20.289 --> 00:23:25.674
I did a few where I like walked around town or I went in the woods by myself.

00:23:25.680 --> 00:23:27.744
And, I only made it a few weeks in.

00:23:27.805 --> 00:23:29.005
I gotta get back to it.

00:23:29.005 --> 00:23:31.009
But I know, it was wonderful when I did it.

00:23:31.039 --> 00:23:34.369
I think my pages, actually, I was using this very book right here.

00:23:34.420 --> 00:23:36.089
But, yeah, I have my morning pictures right here.

00:23:36.089 --> 00:23:37.170
The book was too big.

00:23:37.319 --> 00:23:38.549
I need a smaller book.

00:23:38.609 --> 00:23:38.795

00:23:39.085 --> 00:23:41.065
Because it would take me like 45 minutes.

00:23:41.069 --> 00:23:41.194

00:23:41.194 --> 00:23:44.414
And I have now, I had one kid at the time, now I have two kids, Wow.

00:23:44.420 --> 00:23:48.125
It's a little bit challenging, to carve out 45 minutes to write.

00:23:48.664 --> 00:23:52.805
I was gonna say though, those two exercises will change your life.

00:23:52.954 --> 00:23:54.575
Just getting up and writing every morning.

00:23:54.630 --> 00:23:58.079
and Julia Cameron is the author, by the way, for anyone interested.

00:23:58.490 --> 00:24:00.109
but yeah, it's stream of consciousness.

00:24:00.115 --> 00:24:01.190
Don't edit yourself.

00:24:01.259 --> 00:24:04.099
Don't worry about your handwriting, your spelling, just let.

00:24:05.015 --> 00:24:06.424
Whatever needs to come out.

00:24:06.974 --> 00:24:09.914
you will find nuggets in there, especially the longer you do it.

00:24:09.914 --> 00:24:10.904
I've done it for years.

00:24:10.964 --> 00:24:12.855
I very big proponent of it.

00:24:13.335 --> 00:24:13.605

00:24:13.704 --> 00:24:16.788
but I was also going to say, I'm a Julia Cameron nerd.

00:24:16.818 --> 00:24:21.348
I've read not quite all of her books, but I've got a list and I'm trying to read every single one of her books.

00:24:21.348 --> 00:24:22.669
She has a lot.

00:24:23.459 --> 00:24:34.409
but after the Artist Way, she came out with a sequel, it's called Walking In This World, and basically she introduces a third exercise.

00:24:34.588 --> 00:24:34.679
Oh yeah.

00:24:35.009 --> 00:24:47.909
And I stand by this and I teach this and I do this daily and is walking alone, not with a dog, not with a friend, just walking for at least 20 minutes, several times a week.

00:24:48.999 --> 00:24:54.699
I really recommend people give that a try too, because on those blocks, You clear your mind.

00:24:54.699 --> 00:24:57.179
Don't listening to a podcast, not on the phone.

00:24:57.179 --> 00:24:58.199
Just being present.

00:24:59.278 --> 00:25:10.483
That's where I get more intuitive downloads ideas, just pings, those Sudden hits of inspiration that lead us down our path to purpose, like we're talking about.

00:25:10.844 --> 00:25:12.896
It doesn't come from, logic brain.

00:25:12.896 --> 00:25:13.856
You can't force it.

00:25:13.866 --> 00:25:18.674
It's, allowing, so I always say that our brain is like a catcher's met.

00:25:18.674 --> 00:25:20.744
So if you think of like a baseball met, that's closed.

00:25:20.750 --> 00:25:23.714
So when you're in your logic brain, the fist is closed.

00:25:23.775 --> 00:25:25.845
It knows what it wants, it's determined.

00:25:25.845 --> 00:25:29.845
It's, God's plans but we can't accept a ball, right?

00:25:29.845 --> 00:25:35.474
If God, the universe is trying to throw you an idea, trying to throw you an a nugget towards your purpose.

00:25:35.474 --> 00:25:36.195
You can't accept it.

00:25:36.845 --> 00:25:43.454
So to open that MIT to open your brain, Your receptiveness, you have to relax.

00:25:43.694 --> 00:25:45.525
And so part of that is getting into the body.

00:25:46.365 --> 00:25:48.345
Yoga, dance, walking, any of that.

00:25:48.914 --> 00:25:50.805
But also just giving space.

00:25:50.809 --> 00:25:53.660
We feel so much of our time up with, the phone.

00:25:53.660 --> 00:25:56.875
I'm just like the social media, podcast and all those things are great.

00:25:57.894 --> 00:26:04.204
And not to mention all the people in our lives, but again, there's no space for inspiration to come through.

00:26:04.444 --> 00:26:07.744
So that's what the walking 20 minutes will do.

00:26:07.744 --> 00:26:10.934
That's what, making time to just dream of consciousness.

00:26:10.934 --> 00:26:11.865
Journaling will do.

00:26:12.244 --> 00:26:13.845
artist date, same thing.

00:26:13.845 --> 00:26:17.355
when you're in a new place somewhere that's exciting to you.

00:26:17.805 --> 00:26:21.855
even if it's, she recommends I think an hour I've done it, 20 minutes.

00:26:21.855 --> 00:26:33.734
I went into a random bookstore and I come out with so much inspiration ideas because when you're in a new place, you're in that, heightened level of awareness and mindfulness and Once again, your catchers meant is open.

00:26:33.855 --> 00:26:40.125
You're able to receive downloads from whatever you wanna call it, God, universe.

00:26:40.184 --> 00:26:44.474
I say the creative cloud in the sky, but that's where things come from, right?

00:26:44.484 --> 00:26:45.894
it's this relaxed moment.

00:26:46.265 --> 00:26:51.329
in the shower, if you look at, you can study creativity and intuition with Albert Einstein.

00:26:51.549 --> 00:26:54.519
Richard Branson credits a lot of his success to intuition.

00:26:54.519 --> 00:27:02.859
So there's Oprah and a lot of times they'll share, like their biggest ideas came on a walk in the shower in the middle of the night.

00:27:02.865 --> 00:27:03.220

00:27:03.224 --> 00:27:05.859
Because they were relaxed, their catchers meant was open.

00:27:05.930 --> 00:27:06.819
I love, that was a mouthful.

00:27:07.799 --> 00:27:08.990
No, it's fantastic.

00:27:09.039 --> 00:27:10.240
I've had that experience.

00:27:10.240 --> 00:27:15.579
I'm sure that whoever's listening to this has had that experience at least a few times in their life.

00:27:15.980 --> 00:27:18.690
I wrote a post the other day on LinkedIn.

00:27:19.230 --> 00:27:37.115
About an insight that I had the night before, which is basically me finding myself I'm trying to turn the podcast into a business that I can grow into as I, approach and, move beyond financial independence and, and when working becomes optional.

00:27:37.164 --> 00:27:40.615
when I leave Google full-time and do this, right.

00:27:40.615 --> 00:27:43.615
So the idea is I'm trying to make this happen.

00:27:44.005 --> 00:27:44.095

00:27:44.634 --> 00:27:47.845
But I realized I am rushing, right?

00:27:47.894 --> 00:27:50.275
there's this feeling like I'm not far enough along.

00:27:50.595 --> 00:27:51.855
I didn't do enough.

00:27:51.884 --> 00:28:01.394
I'm not making enough progress, and there's a rushing and a forcing feeling to it, and I'm like, what am I doing?

00:28:01.605 --> 00:28:02.714
Like, why am I rushing?

00:28:02.714 --> 00:28:02.775

00:28:03.595 --> 00:28:11.579
I theoretically I'm doing this so that I can do it for the foreseeable future, for my retirement plan.

00:28:11.759 --> 00:28:11.880

00:28:11.960 --> 00:28:13.625
Why am I trying to rush?

00:28:13.625 --> 00:28:15.394
It doesn't make any sense.

00:28:15.525 --> 00:28:24.194
I know this, I've had experiences where the more I force, the more I rush, the worse I feel, and the worse things go the more I relax.

00:28:24.555 --> 00:28:27.105
And the more I allow, the better things go.

00:28:27.164 --> 00:28:29.086
The more fun I have, the happier I am.

00:28:29.325 --> 00:28:35.355
I like put that out there the other day on LinkedIn and people are like, oh my God, I really needed to see this.

00:28:35.355 --> 00:28:36.309
I'm feeling this too.

00:28:36.315 --> 00:28:38.920
It's like most of my posts don't get that kind of response.

00:28:39.190 --> 00:28:41.680
But it was like, okay, so it's not just me.

00:28:41.759 --> 00:28:44.109
And you know it goes along with what you're saying.

00:28:44.109 --> 00:28:48.759
Like the more we can relax and be open, I love the catcher's me metaphor.

00:28:49.630 --> 00:28:56.089
The more that we can allow things to happen and create space the better things are gonna go.

00:28:56.630 --> 00:28:59.325
And you said something and I realized that.

00:28:59.714 --> 00:29:05.984
These practices are not so much what you're doing, although that's helpful.

00:29:06.015 --> 00:29:08.444
It's just carving out the space.

00:29:08.454 --> 00:29:10.250
you were talking about walking, like, where are you going?

00:29:11.009 --> 00:29:14.940
you're just doing it for 20 minutes so that you have that space Yep.

00:29:15.480 --> 00:29:22.740
Carved out to allow and to be open to and receptive to whatever is there for you

00:29:22.789 --> 00:29:23.299
to learn.

00:29:24.109 --> 00:29:24.829

00:29:25.490 --> 00:29:26.089

00:29:26.089 --> 00:29:34.400
And even at, I used to walk around the yard, I would call it, I worked at an electric co-op, my last PR job.

00:29:35.099 --> 00:29:42.099
So it was like a yard with I don't know, lumber and technical things that I, anyway, I would just go out in the middle of the day.

00:29:42.519 --> 00:29:43.960
Yeah, great word.

00:29:44.440 --> 00:29:45.339

00:29:46.390 --> 00:29:47.710
What I'm saying is it wasn't beautiful.

00:29:47.710 --> 00:29:54.913
There wasn't a sidewalk I, but I would just go out and walk the perimeter of the yard for 20 minutes and it's as simple as that.

00:29:54.913 --> 00:29:57.753
And I think we just make things more complicated than they should.

00:29:57.753 --> 00:30:01.084
So just maybe asking yourself, where do I relax?

00:30:01.084 --> 00:30:02.584
What does bring me that joy?

00:30:02.973 --> 00:30:04.443
How can I fit in?

00:30:04.554 --> 00:30:07.433
not a whole weekend of it.

00:30:07.439 --> 00:30:11.663
that would be great, but we say, oh, I'm gonna do a whole day of self-care.

00:30:11.663 --> 00:30:13.913
And then you don't do anything cuz that's too lofty.

00:30:14.153 --> 00:30:21.673
So do five minutes, do 15 minutes, like I said, take five minutes at your desk, take a few deep breaths, scribble.

00:30:23.123 --> 00:30:24.982
And then see if you see anything in your scribble.

00:30:24.982 --> 00:30:26.942
Maybe you see, like looking at the clouds.

00:30:26.942 --> 00:30:39.962
Maybe you see an elephant, maybe you don't, maybe you just color it, But even that, that right there, you're offline, you're present, and you're just doing something just because we've lost that in our society.

00:30:40.333 --> 00:30:46.123
And that is really and truly scary because that's where innovation comes from.

00:30:46.123 --> 00:30:51.442
That's where, creativity, just alive meant, and fulfillment.

00:30:51.542 --> 00:31:02.343
we have to make it a priority to find small pockets of the day where we can just be, relax, be, have your mi mit open and let things happen.

00:31:04.202 --> 00:31:04.563

00:31:04.623 --> 00:31:05.643
I like that a lot.

00:31:06.442 --> 00:31:06.923
I agree.

00:31:06.923 --> 00:31:09.153
it needs to be a practice, right?

00:31:09.383 --> 00:31:09.472

00:31:09.478 --> 00:31:11.393
And it doesn't need to be overcomplicated.

00:31:12.113 --> 00:31:12.323

00:31:12.563 --> 00:31:20.633
And so I imagine that you come across quite a few people as they're starting their business, that overcomplicate things.

00:31:20.903 --> 00:31:21.347
We all do.

00:31:21.917 --> 00:31:24.798
How do you help people who do that?

00:31:25.137 --> 00:31:26.448
Asking for a friend?

00:31:29.718 --> 00:31:54.369
it's tricky without knowing your friend's specific basis, but I would say, this is my theory, nine times outta 10, most of my clients that are in that situation, they have das themself in Gary V For example, to start my podcast that I need to invest$500 a month and I need to do this, which is all fine and well.

00:31:54.369 --> 00:32:02.829
But typically what I experience is the people who are giving the advice, they are way further along in their journey than a brand new beginner.

00:32:03.359 --> 00:32:10.480
So half the stuff they're telling you to do, you really don't need, and you probably don't have the capital to sustain anyway.

00:32:11.289 --> 00:32:22.950
So what it really comes down to though is we use those, oh, I need to invest in this software before I can begin, and it's,$50 a month or whatever before you can do that.

00:32:22.950 --> 00:32:29.400
It's like you're using that as an excuse to just get started because that's where the actual growth comes from.

00:32:29.400 --> 00:32:30.599
That's where the actual fear is.

00:32:31.140 --> 00:32:33.150
So I always tell people I.

00:32:34.275 --> 00:32:35.295
Forget all that.

00:32:35.414 --> 00:32:36.015
Just do it.

00:32:36.105 --> 00:32:37.154
Just do the first step.

00:32:37.154 --> 00:32:39.644
Record your first episode, record it on your iPhone.

00:32:39.644 --> 00:32:40.275
That's what I did.

00:32:40.724 --> 00:32:41.714
Record it on your iPhone.

00:32:41.865 --> 00:32:42.944
Forget about the fancy mics.

00:32:42.944 --> 00:32:43.634
Forget about all of that.

00:32:43.724 --> 00:32:44.954
And this is just an example.

00:32:45.194 --> 00:32:48.664
Just start because I, and the same with business, Okay.

00:32:48.664 --> 00:32:51.634
You think you need a bookkeeper and accountant and all this.

00:32:51.934 --> 00:32:56.125
Just start, my client called right before this interview.

00:32:56.365 --> 00:32:58.615
She wanted to get into coaching.

00:32:59.184 --> 00:33:04.230
She's already doing it, but she's not certified, so she wasn't sure she could actually charge for it.

00:33:05.160 --> 00:33:09.210
I was like, I want you to call up a friend right now and ask if you can coach them.

00:33:09.970 --> 00:33:11.230
you have nine years of experience.

00:33:11.230 --> 00:33:12.009
You know what you're doing.

00:33:12.309 --> 00:33:19.059
But we tell ourselves these stories that we need X, Y, Z before we can Do what we wanna do.

00:33:19.059 --> 00:33:20.259
And most of the time you don't.

00:33:20.259 --> 00:33:22.539
You just need someone giving you permission and saying, you're fine.

00:33:22.539 --> 00:33:23.111
Just go for it.

00:33:24.035 --> 00:33:25.230
and a helpful tool.

00:33:25.230 --> 00:33:33.420
This may be helpful for some of our listeners, that I constantly go back to ask yourself, what is the absolute worst case scenario?

00:33:34.769 --> 00:33:37.170
What is the absolute worst thing that can happen?

00:33:37.170 --> 00:33:42.095
So you launch, I don't know, you launch your coaching business and what you have no clients.

00:33:42.384 --> 00:33:42.734

00:33:42.734 --> 00:33:44.275
You're right where you are now.

00:33:44.329 --> 00:33:45.470
You already don't have any clients.

00:33:45.470 --> 00:33:45.589

00:33:45.589 --> 00:33:45.950

00:33:45.980 --> 00:33:47.329
There's really no risk.

00:33:47.329 --> 00:33:52.380
It's just our minds tricking us into thinking, oh, but you don't have the perfect website.

00:33:52.384 --> 00:33:53.819
Your funnels aren't all set up.

00:33:54.220 --> 00:33:56.650
that is a lifelong process.

00:33:57.279 --> 00:34:04.859
I've been Consistently tweaking my website and funnels and emails for five years and probably will continue for the duration of my business.

00:34:04.859 --> 00:34:06.450
So we can't.

00:34:07.065 --> 00:34:12.630
It's so tempting to say, oh, I can't launch my newsletter cuz they haven't found the perfect font yet, or whatever.

00:34:12.630 --> 00:34:13.650
And it's no, just do it.

00:34:13.710 --> 00:34:14.579
No one cares.

00:34:14.699 --> 00:34:18.000
people don't care a 10th as much as you think they do.

00:34:18.289 --> 00:34:19.789
they care about what you're doing.

00:34:20.239 --> 00:34:25.875
But I guarantee you they're not, oh I really wish that they wouldn't have chosen that font for their newsletter.

00:34:25.875 --> 00:34:27.135
Now I'm gonna unsubscribe.

00:34:27.594 --> 00:34:30.744
people are just excited to see doing something.

00:34:30.875 --> 00:34:32.614
if that's where your heart is, go for it.

00:34:33.034 --> 00:34:36.545
And the people who aren't excited for you are gonna fall away cuz they're not meant to be in your life anyway.

00:34:37.594 --> 00:34:41.135
So couple, yeah, it's, there's a lot there.

00:34:41.135 --> 00:34:42.364
And I think you're right.

00:34:42.364 --> 00:34:43.614
It's just do it.

00:34:43.644 --> 00:34:47.574
Take one step forward and then another step and then another step.

00:34:47.905 --> 00:34:52.454
But I get caught in this all the time, certainly at work, it's common in my side hustle.

00:34:53.355 --> 00:35:05.530
I spent all this time, Getting into posting on LinkedIn and I took a course on like growing an audience on LinkedIn and stuff and it was great, I was looking at Kajabi and all these other things and it's you don't need any of that.

00:35:05.530 --> 00:35:06.940
You don't have an offering.

00:35:07.010 --> 00:35:12.110
You don't need to be spending 50 or a hundred dollars a month on anything and you'll

00:35:12.114 --> 00:35:15.949
be doing it before you realize Doing what?

00:35:16.639 --> 00:35:18.650
Spending all this money per month.

00:35:18.650 --> 00:35:18.699
Oh yeah.

00:35:18.880 --> 00:35:19.179
Oh yeah.

00:35:19.179 --> 00:35:22.851
Because someone before you have anything, before you have anything to show for it.

00:35:23.079 --> 00:35:33.820
And like there are all these things out there, all these great tools and you could spend, I mean I spent probably 20, 30 hours just like looking at them and it's fun to do it.

00:35:33.849 --> 00:35:33.909

00:35:34.000 --> 00:35:36.309
But to your point, it's just procrastination.

00:35:36.340 --> 00:35:36.630

00:35:36.699 --> 00:35:40.389
It's just avoiding taking the action because it's scary.

00:35:41.320 --> 00:35:45.900
Yeah, and I'll even an example from last week, I wanted to write my email list.

00:35:46.739 --> 00:35:51.010
I have a, like 700, 800 people on my email list, which is fantastic.

00:35:51.010 --> 00:35:51.550
That's great.

00:35:52.059 --> 00:35:54.670
And do I send them emails?

00:35:55.210 --> 00:35:55.989
Not really.

00:35:56.630 --> 00:36:05.329
I send them one email a week when the podcast goes live, but that's because I'm making it into such a bigger thing.

00:36:05.329 --> 00:36:08.539
it's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be really well thought out.

00:36:08.539 --> 00:36:16.429
And it's no, like I was talking to a, someone in this mastermind that I'm in and he's like an email copywriter and he, he's like, sometimes they just want to hear from you.

00:36:16.880 --> 00:36:16.969

00:36:16.969 --> 00:36:18.349
They just want to hear what you're up to.

00:36:18.349 --> 00:36:26.625
I went to a bachelor party on Memorial Day weekend and we went to a music festival and I spent twice as much to go in the v i p section.

00:36:27.965 --> 00:36:33.034
Not because I necessarily wanted to, but because my friends were, and it was amazing.

00:36:33.094 --> 00:36:35.074
It was such a good experience.

00:36:35.315 --> 00:36:39.005
And so like that would be a good email and I know that I would totally read that.

00:36:39.934 --> 00:36:41.195
And did I do it yet?

00:36:41.914 --> 00:36:45.184
Nope, To your point, just do it.

00:36:45.704 --> 00:36:51.014
that all the success in quotes that I've had is just haphazard action taking.

00:36:51.945 --> 00:36:52.244

00:36:52.244 --> 00:36:52.445
That's it.

00:36:52.454 --> 00:36:53.125

00:36:53.925 --> 00:36:56.025
a lot of times it feels like I need a plan.

00:36:56.175 --> 00:36:58.034
I need to like actually, yeah.

00:36:58.335 --> 00:36:59.264
Plan this out.

00:36:59.594 --> 00:37:10.355
And then I think that for a while and I procrastinate because I haven't made the plan all the while when I get back to just taking action little by little, moving forward, step by step.

00:37:11.184 --> 00:37:12.579
That's when things happen, right?

00:37:12.719 --> 00:37:12.960

00:37:12.960 --> 00:37:14.130
The plan, you can have a plan.

00:37:14.130 --> 00:37:21.360
I'm not telling you not to have a plan, you can think all you want, but until you start moving forward, you, it's all just thinking.

00:37:21.690 --> 00:37:23.320
There's nothing real about it.

00:37:24.000 --> 00:37:31.019
And you find out the real stuff when you actually talk to people and move forward and put things out there.

00:37:31.710 --> 00:37:32.219

00:37:32.730 --> 00:37:35.230
Have you read the book, atomic Habits?

00:37:35.889 --> 00:37:36.639
I have.

00:37:36.969 --> 00:37:37.599
I have.

00:37:37.655 --> 00:37:38.434
it's a, another

00:37:38.440 --> 00:37:38.945
good one.

00:37:39.085 --> 00:37:39.434

00:37:39.494 --> 00:37:46.304
And you know how he talks about, don't try to be 50% better or 70% better from today to tomorrow.

00:37:46.335 --> 00:37:47.445
Just do 1%.

00:37:47.445 --> 00:37:49.509
And 1% today, 1% tomorrow.

00:37:49.509 --> 00:37:54.289
Which is very, that could be maybe you open a Word document and type Memorial Day.

00:37:54.289 --> 00:37:54.599
We can email.

00:37:55.324 --> 00:38:05.623
And that's it, that's your 1% for the day, But he talks about, 1% consistently over 365 days is 365% growth.

00:38:05.673 --> 00:38:07.143
And that's a huge jump.

00:38:07.534 --> 00:38:11.498
But I think, it's like you said, it's breaking it down into these simple action steps.

00:38:12.009 --> 00:38:13.458
Just do the first thing.

00:38:13.588 --> 00:38:16.048
And a lot of times that momentum will take over.

00:38:16.059 --> 00:38:17.168
And you'll carry it over.

00:38:17.168 --> 00:38:20.349
I, if you open a Word document, you're probably gonna end up writing some.

00:38:20.829 --> 00:38:20.918

00:38:21.429 --> 00:38:39.068
but I also wanted to add too, that these practices of going for your daily walk, doing the stream of conscious journaling, scribbling, moving intuitively, all these things, they also help you practice letting things be messy, letting things be imperfect.

00:38:39.268 --> 00:38:40.798
letting there not be a right answer.

00:38:40.804 --> 00:38:43.259
I really loved how you put that, yeah.

00:38:43.313 --> 00:38:44.273
That's a good point, right?

00:38:44.273 --> 00:38:51.869
what you teach and what letting it be messy cuz it's gonna be messy, when you expect it to not be messy, that's gonna be upsetting.

00:38:51.869 --> 00:38:51.958

00:38:52.378 --> 00:39:07.123
But if you practice letting things be messy through art or scribbling or moving in a, just like letting there not be a right answer, then you're building that muscle for being open and letting things be messy.

00:39:07.454 --> 00:39:08.414
Like I love that.

00:39:09.434 --> 00:39:10.153

00:39:10.153 --> 00:39:10.423

00:39:11.293 --> 00:39:12.914
I'm thinking about how I can, how I do that.

00:39:13.063 --> 00:39:14.233
I just need to do it.

00:39:14.233 --> 00:39:15.403
I just, I've got, yeah.

00:39:15.403 --> 00:39:17.923
Lemme make up a whole story about how I'm gonna do this.

00:39:18.043 --> 00:39:18.264

00:39:18.264 --> 00:39:23.014
then, you can hang out with me and I'll teach you some abstract art and we'll really get messy.

00:39:24.074 --> 00:39:24.364

00:39:25.233 --> 00:39:25.523

00:39:26.043 --> 00:39:31.994
so let's shift gears and talk a little bit more about the corporate wellness events that have become a big part of your business.

00:39:32.793 --> 00:39:37.833
you said that you just started by just like putting up flyers and putting yourself out there.

00:39:37.833 --> 00:39:41.253
this is one of those things that I've made into a bigger thing than it needs to be.

00:39:41.253 --> 00:39:45.293
Like, I wanna lead envisioning workshops for teams.

00:39:45.293 --> 00:39:45.693

00:39:45.744 --> 00:39:46.034

00:39:46.034 --> 00:39:55.278
How would you advise me on going forward and like actually making that a reality and tell me a little bit about how you went about

00:39:55.278 --> 00:39:56.088
making it happen.

00:39:56.094 --> 00:39:56.119

00:39:57.079 --> 00:39:59.389
Again, don't make it overcomplicated.

00:40:00.864 --> 00:40:03.289
That would be my biggest piece of advice.

00:40:03.858 --> 00:40:13.398
it can be as simple as maybe you write a one page word document that says, I'm gonna offer this.

00:40:13.699 --> 00:40:16.818
Here's what we'll do, here's my contact info.

00:40:18.168 --> 00:40:21.929
It can be black and white, no imagery, nothing.

00:40:21.929 --> 00:40:28.438
It can be that simple, but the whole thing is you have to tell people what you want.

00:40:29.969 --> 00:40:31.228
You have to put yourself out there.

00:40:31.318 --> 00:40:32.429
That's a scary part.

00:40:32.429 --> 00:40:32.519
You're kidding.

00:40:33.369 --> 00:40:35.889
you have to tell people or they won't know.

00:40:36.278 --> 00:40:36.938
Or they won't know.

00:40:37.358 --> 00:40:38.139
Oh my goodness.

00:40:38.139 --> 00:40:38.409
That's crazy.

00:40:38.568 --> 00:40:38.860
It's that

00:40:38.864 --> 00:40:41.708
action, like you said, that action stuff.

00:40:42.489 --> 00:40:45.849
And so print 10 of them and make it okay.

00:40:45.849 --> 00:40:48.849
This week I'm gonna hand out 10 of these documents.

00:40:49.688 --> 00:40:51.219
I don't care if you give'em to your grandma.

00:40:51.648 --> 00:40:57.634
She'll know someone, if you give them to your coworkers, your friends, your wife can have one, whoever.

00:40:58.474 --> 00:41:03.063
But make it a point to hand out all 10 within, give yourself a 24 hour period or something.

00:41:03.543 --> 00:41:04.173
And just do it.

00:41:04.173 --> 00:41:08.344
and just the mere fact of taking that action step.

00:41:08.614 --> 00:41:09.664
Then I'll tell you what happens.

00:41:09.784 --> 00:41:15.623
All of a sudden your brain goes, oh, no one laughed at me and told me I had to leave the village forever.

00:41:16.364 --> 00:41:17.293
I'm gonna die alone.

00:41:17.773 --> 00:41:18.793
That didn't happen.

00:41:18.884 --> 00:41:19.184

00:41:19.603 --> 00:41:27.853
So maybe a week goes by and you're like, maybe I'll actually call and follow up with some of these people because it wasn't as scary as I thought.

00:41:28.094 --> 00:41:29.833
So then you're making a follow up call.

00:41:30.253 --> 00:41:32.414
Hey, did you think of anyone who might be interested in this?

00:41:33.074 --> 00:41:34.873
Guarantee you the fortune's in the follow up.

00:41:35.204 --> 00:41:35.423

00:41:35.923 --> 00:41:37.523
Somebody will have something, right?

00:41:37.724 --> 00:41:37.813

00:41:37.844 --> 00:41:38.713
And that's the other thing.

00:41:38.719 --> 00:41:39.284
A lot of us go.

00:41:40.063 --> 00:41:43.034
Oh, I passed out 10 flyers and that was hard.

00:41:43.034 --> 00:41:46.634
And no one said any, no one ever gave me anything.

00:41:46.634 --> 00:41:47.923
I didn't make any money.

00:41:47.923 --> 00:41:49.083
And it's follow up.

00:41:49.114 --> 00:41:50.014
People are busy.

00:41:50.018 --> 00:41:54.333
Doesn't mean they weren't thinking about you, doesn't mean they didn't have ideas for you or want to hire you.

00:41:54.333 --> 00:41:56.554
I've had people, oh yeah, we wanted to hire you.

00:41:56.554 --> 00:41:57.454
Thanks for reaching back out.

00:41:57.503 --> 00:42:05.268
I would've missed that if I wouldn't have reached back out, It's just making it simple, taking action set, but just telling people that's what you're doing is the biggest thing.

00:42:06.869 --> 00:42:07.159

00:42:07.668 --> 00:42:07.958

00:42:08.309 --> 00:42:09.168
It's, so simple.

00:42:10.259 --> 00:42:10.469

00:42:10.474 --> 00:42:11.278
No, makes sense.

00:42:11.579 --> 00:42:13.369
It's simple on a, go ahead.

00:42:13.898 --> 00:42:19.688
I'm just thinking I'm reliving like things in my life where I like actually did this.

00:42:19.759 --> 00:42:25.188
So I had one workshop that I've done outside of Google so far, and I.

00:42:26.088 --> 00:42:30.809
I just emailed them and was like, I didn't even know what I was gonna be asking them.

00:42:30.809 --> 00:42:33.409
I just wanted, it's a camp called Camp Woodward.

00:42:33.409 --> 00:42:35.869
It's like an extreme sports camp in Pennsylvania.

00:42:36.199 --> 00:42:44.139
And I wanted to go back there and I wanted, I became an adult roller blader during the pandemic and I wanted to go back, cause I had been there when I was a teenager.

00:42:44.259 --> 00:42:45.489
I'm like, how can I go back?

00:42:45.849 --> 00:42:55.114
And I just emailed and basically was like, Hey, here's, I teach these things.

00:42:55.143 --> 00:43:00.454
I teach mindfulness at Google and I'd love to learn about what you're doing with this wellness position that you have posted.

00:43:01.434 --> 00:43:07.653
And then I followed up and if I didn't follow up, there you go.

00:43:07.733 --> 00:43:09.423
I wouldn't have had that opportunity.

00:43:09.753 --> 00:43:18.653
And then the biggest opportunity I've had on the podcast, which is when I was a guest on Choose Fi, kind of one of the biggest personal finance podcast.

00:43:18.884 --> 00:43:19.173

00:43:20.434 --> 00:43:21.125
I followed up.

00:43:21.659 --> 00:43:25.199
I sent an email a year before and never heard anything.

00:43:25.608 --> 00:43:27.759
when he said, my co-host is leaving the podcast.

00:43:27.768 --> 00:43:29.958
I want to feature people from the audience.

00:43:30.528 --> 00:43:35.030
I emailed him and then I followed up and I, he's oh, thanks so much for following up.

00:43:35.429 --> 00:43:35.719

00:43:35.889 --> 00:43:37.570
people are not offended by following up.

00:43:37.574 --> 00:43:38.559
They appreciate it.

00:43:39.009 --> 00:43:39.068

00:43:39.068 --> 00:43:40.358
Because they're busy.

00:43:40.929 --> 00:43:41.139

00:43:41.239 --> 00:43:44.298
it's funny that you're saying this because these biggest opportunities for me.

00:43:44.568 --> 00:43:44.628

00:43:44.634 --> 00:43:45.889
Were a result of the follow up.

00:43:45.893 --> 00:43:46.853
And just putting it out there.

00:43:47.164 --> 00:43:53.414
And I think it's getting over the fear of whatever it is, perfectionism.

00:43:53.713 --> 00:43:54.134

00:43:54.213 --> 00:44:02.684
Which I've got a quiz for your listeners too that helps identify what your biggest, I call it, the authenticity ailments.

00:44:02.954 --> 00:44:08.114
Your biggest authenticity ailment is so overthinking, perfectionism, rejection.

00:44:09.284 --> 00:44:09.463

00:44:09.463 --> 00:44:10.304
And comparison.

00:44:10.423 --> 00:44:11.264
That's the last one.

00:44:11.713 --> 00:44:11.864
Got it.

00:44:11.864 --> 00:44:13.153
So those are the ones that I say.

00:44:13.153 --> 00:44:18.943
But getting over those fears, whatever they are, because that's what's ultimately keeping you from following up.

00:44:19.063 --> 00:44:20.474
It's not you're lazy.

00:44:20.478 --> 00:44:20.483

00:44:20.543 --> 00:44:31.414
that's what I really don't enjoy seeing out there in the entrepreneurial world is, we have these people, you're just not successful cuz you're lazy and you just gotta want it more.

00:44:31.414 --> 00:44:38.103
And I'm like, I fully disagree with that because like we've been saying, there's so much more under the surface.

00:44:38.103 --> 00:44:48.974
Maybe, you were rejected in fifth grade when you handed out a, I don't know, a paper to your friends or something, And that's maybe not consciously, but that is keeping you from doing this.

00:44:48.974 --> 00:44:49.753
So let's look at that.

00:44:49.753 --> 00:44:51.673
Let's unplug that, and there again, journaling.

00:44:52.603 --> 00:44:59.353
Ask yourself, what is keeping me from telling people that I'm doing these visioning workshops?

00:44:59.713 --> 00:45:01.063
What, why aren't I doing that?

00:45:01.068 --> 00:45:02.324
And let yourself go there.

00:45:02.603 --> 00:45:06.429
what are you really afraid of asking those harder questions or get a coach?

00:45:06.429 --> 00:45:07.268
That's what coaches do.

00:45:07.324 --> 00:45:08.735
What's actually keeping you from that?

00:45:08.954 --> 00:45:13.273
And see what comes up, because it's usually not, I'm fat and lazy or whatever.

00:45:14.123 --> 00:45:15.923
terrible things that we tell ourselves.

00:45:15.954 --> 00:45:16.014

00:45:16.164 --> 00:45:17.664
It's usually much deeper than that.

00:45:18.353 --> 00:45:19.554
Yeah, definitely.

00:45:19.554 --> 00:45:19.704

00:45:19.704 --> 00:45:24.684
That's, self-awareness is really like the most important thing in all of this, right?

00:45:24.983 --> 00:45:28.974
Like you have to be kind and curious Yes.

00:45:29.454 --> 00:45:30.744
With yourself, right?

00:45:30.744 --> 00:45:30.833

00:45:30.833 --> 00:45:37.753
Because there's all these things that we have going on in our minds, in our bodies that we just aren't aware of.

00:45:38.054 --> 00:45:44.704
And if we're not willing to create the space, like we've talked about before, to listen and ask ourselves.

00:45:45.643 --> 00:45:49.744
Through journaling, through meditation, through coaching, Therapy.

00:45:49.974 --> 00:45:55.614
To have these spaces where we can really get to know ourselves, then we're just gonna keep doing the same thing we've been doing.

00:45:56.244 --> 00:45:56.483

00:45:56.603 --> 00:45:59.923
And not getting the results that we want, in a lot of cases.

00:46:00.434 --> 00:46:00.554

00:46:00.583 --> 00:46:03.614
Hailey, you mentioned that you have like a quiz for people.

00:46:04.063 --> 00:46:04.393

00:46:04.514 --> 00:46:06.253
where can they find that quiz?

00:46:07.543 --> 00:46:18.713
So if you go to the sparkling, you can find it there, but it's also on my homepage, on the sparkling

00:46:18.713 --> 00:46:26.864
it's a very simple two minute quiz and just ask a few questions that you guys would probably enjoy your listeners.

00:46:26.963 --> 00:46:29.333
how do you procrastinate and where does it come up?

00:46:29.784 --> 00:46:40.054
And then it shares with you, the top four ailments that I see, in people, and this is, I've been studying this for longer than I've been in business.

00:46:40.164 --> 00:46:47.393
but I see these same things recurring in people with what's actually keeping them from achieving the success that they want.

00:46:47.393 --> 00:46:49.588
And it is, it comes down to those four things.

00:46:49.588 --> 00:46:50.958
once you know which one is your.

00:46:51.963 --> 00:46:55.018
Your biggest, we all have all of'em, but which one's your strongest?

00:46:55.619 --> 00:46:57.809
Then you can start to peel away the layers.

00:46:57.889 --> 00:46:58.878
say it's rejection.

00:46:58.878 --> 00:47:00.108
where does that come from?

00:47:00.338 --> 00:47:03.369
were you raised in a house where you were, you felt rejected?

00:47:03.739 --> 00:47:05.829
are you in a relationship where you feel rejected?

00:47:05.998 --> 00:47:09.989
there's a whole lot of layers to uncover there,

00:47:10.318 --> 00:47:11.739
Tell me Barndominium.

00:47:12.688 --> 00:47:17.818
So the word is across between a barn and a condominium, right?

00:47:18.418 --> 00:47:18.869

00:47:19.119 --> 00:47:22.974
but basically it's the structure of a modern barn, still frame right.

00:47:22.974 --> 00:47:23.893
With 10 sides.

00:47:24.414 --> 00:47:33.949
But people make gorgeous elaborate houses out of them, and it's much cheaper than traditional build and, more environmentally friendly too.

00:47:34.271 --> 00:47:34.481
why is that?

00:47:35.512 --> 00:47:38.871
just the cost of things keeps the energy usage low.

00:47:39.331 --> 00:47:46.541
a lot of times it's like farmers, so they have half of it is a shop or a place to park trucks and stuff, and the other half is a house.

00:47:46.541 --> 00:47:47.621
So it cuts down on.

00:47:48.012 --> 00:47:48.552
All of that.

00:47:48.552 --> 00:47:50.202
gonna have a tractor next door,

00:47:50.202 --> 00:47:51.402
I love the barndominium.

00:47:51.407 --> 00:47:52.786
your parents have a farm

00:47:52.836 --> 00:47:55.507
yeah, I'm actually fifth generation.

00:47:56.166 --> 00:47:56.527

00:47:56.626 --> 00:47:56.916

00:47:57.376 --> 00:47:57.597

00:47:57.717 --> 00:48:00.802
So then you just build it on the property and have your space

00:48:00.851 --> 00:48:06.731
Pretty much, I lived at the farm years ago, in a family farmhouse.

00:48:06.882 --> 00:48:07.902
It's a hundred years old.

00:48:07.907 --> 00:48:12.117
my uncle ended up getting that when my grandpa died, I still wanna live there.

00:48:12.117 --> 00:48:15.717
And I was like, oh, I can't live there cause there's nothing there, there's no houses.

00:48:15.717 --> 00:48:18.327
And my mom was like, go up the road and build you one.

00:48:18.427 --> 00:48:19.516
how big is this farm?

00:48:19.521 --> 00:48:20.146
It's big.

00:48:20.606 --> 00:48:22.317
we have about 3000 acres.

00:48:22.427 --> 00:48:22.717

00:48:22.916 --> 00:48:24.036
So yeah, big, pretty big.

00:48:24.126 --> 00:48:24.371

00:48:24.371 --> 00:48:27.961
Maybe not in the grand, in the farm scheme of things, but 3000 acres.

00:48:27.961 --> 00:48:29.402
I have one, 1.2.

00:48:29.452 --> 00:48:29.731

00:48:29.802 --> 00:48:30.092

00:48:30.092 --> 00:48:30.572
And I love it.

00:48:30.842 --> 00:48:31.132

00:48:31.521 --> 00:48:31.811

00:48:31.871 --> 00:48:33.802
yeah, I think you could find your spot for a house on there.

00:48:34.231 --> 00:48:36.152
There's a perfect spot already.

00:48:36.251 --> 00:48:42.822
years ago, this guy had a trailer house out there and he did immaculate landscaping.

00:48:42.851 --> 00:48:46.782
So trees, there was a deck going out to the pond.

00:48:46.831 --> 00:48:50.351
since then, the trailer's been, bulldozed and buried.

00:48:50.936 --> 00:48:54.626
But you still have this gorgeous pond with trees all around it.

00:48:54.867 --> 00:48:57.777
And I'm just like, it's begging for me to put a house there.

00:48:57.777 --> 00:48:58.606
It just, there you go.

00:48:59.456 --> 00:49:00.126
There you go.

00:49:00.246 --> 00:49:00.936
that's awesome.

00:49:00.987 --> 00:49:03.507
we have this local farm.

00:49:03.512 --> 00:49:09.177
It's like this, it's called Oak Hill Farms, a woman wrote a cookbook and an Instagram.

00:49:09.726 --> 00:49:11.166
She's an influencer basically.

00:49:11.166 --> 00:49:14.501
And she made this little cute farm and it's exactly what you're talking about.

00:49:14.541 --> 00:49:15.742
It's a modern barn.

00:49:16.041 --> 00:49:23.672
And inside they have just like a little shop of like homemade things that she makes and sells and then they have animals in the back.

00:49:23.672 --> 00:49:24.751
It's probably five acres.

00:49:24.751 --> 00:49:25.771
It's like very small.

00:49:25.771 --> 00:49:26.371
it's pretty cool.

00:49:26.371 --> 00:49:28.402
And I like asked her, and I was like, how did you do it?

00:49:28.402 --> 00:49:28.762
did you.

00:49:29.601 --> 00:49:30.231
Work with someone.

00:49:30.231 --> 00:49:31.572
Cause I still want to do it.

00:49:31.842 --> 00:49:35.561
I now wanna build a skate park slash yoga meditation.

00:49:35.617 --> 00:49:37.436
Podcast office.

00:49:37.737 --> 00:49:39.237
All in the same thing.

00:49:39.717 --> 00:49:40.106

00:49:40.161 --> 00:49:42.541
I want the roof to be like this with the windows.

00:49:43.402 --> 00:49:46.652
But you could do that on, on like a, steel frame structure.

00:49:46.652 --> 00:49:47.072
I just,

00:49:47.222 --> 00:49:49.172
yeah, I was gonna say, you need to look into barn, dominiums

00:49:50.311 --> 00:49:50.521

00:49:50.742 --> 00:49:51.342
I will be

00:49:51.342 --> 00:49:51.822
for sure.

00:49:51.822 --> 00:49:55.987
It's perfect for that because that's my face too, is I do art, yoga.

00:49:56.347 --> 00:49:58.146
I wanna do art, yoga retreat center.

00:49:58.152 --> 00:49:58.257

00:49:58.876 --> 00:49:59.496
So yeah.

00:49:59.646 --> 00:49:59.936

00:50:00.277 --> 00:50:00.606
We're on the

00:50:00.606 --> 00:50:00.878
same wave.

00:50:01.536 --> 00:50:02.077
We are.

00:50:02.097 --> 00:50:05.036
when I heard you speaking at Google, I'm like, I need to talk to her.

00:50:05.186 --> 00:50:05.336

00:50:05.396 --> 00:50:06.626
We're on the same wavelength.

00:50:06.987 --> 00:50:09.867
I don't remember exactly what you were presenting on.

00:50:09.916 --> 00:50:11.567
designing your year, I think.

00:50:11.626 --> 00:50:13.036
I was like, your vibe.

00:50:13.036 --> 00:50:13.786
we gotta talk.

00:50:13.847 --> 00:50:14.657
it's gonna be great.

00:50:14.956 --> 00:50:16.867
So now you're gonna like host retreats.

00:50:16.867 --> 00:50:19.956
Is that the part of the bit or just be your home?

00:50:20.436 --> 00:50:23.851
my idea is to have a house and then like across the street have a retreat center.

00:50:23.882 --> 00:50:29.161
Cuz I didn't realize you were from a Google workshop, so you know exactly what I'm talking about.

00:50:29.612 --> 00:50:32.192
those types of workshops.

00:50:32.197 --> 00:50:43.476
it would be nice to, Google for instance, oh, by the way If you wanna host a team building retreat in person, come to my farm in the middle of nowhere where you can totally relax, focus.

00:50:44.336 --> 00:50:44.847

00:50:45.266 --> 00:50:46.706
we have a very similar vision.

00:50:46.706 --> 00:50:47.211
I like it.

00:50:47.422 --> 00:50:50.722
I want to do the same thing I call the skate park cita.

00:50:50.726 --> 00:50:51.112
I love that.

00:50:51.492 --> 00:50:52.813
it's Casita little house.

00:50:53.021 --> 00:50:53.351

00:50:53.382 --> 00:50:57.762
The scale of this casita has now ballooned to 1500 square feet at least.

00:50:58.181 --> 00:50:59.351
So it's more of a house.

00:50:59.771 --> 00:51:02.231
and my wife is like, not on our property.

00:51:02.231 --> 00:51:06.132
You gotta find somewhere else for that, cuz I don't want Randalls from the internet showing up at my house.

00:51:06.152 --> 00:51:07.342
which I

00:51:07.811 --> 00:51:08.561
get it understandable.

00:51:08.561 --> 00:51:12.041
But probably you'll know them in some capacity.

00:51:12.132 --> 00:51:12.516

00:51:12.556 --> 00:51:16.851
if they're willing to spend the money and come retreat with you, they're probably not too weird

00:51:17.271 --> 00:51:17.722

00:51:17.777 --> 00:51:18.226
I would think.

00:51:18.226 --> 00:51:18.916
I would think they're there.

00:51:19.967 --> 00:51:20.257

00:51:21.106 --> 00:51:22.217
And where are you based?

00:51:23.027 --> 00:51:26.177
I'm in New Jersey, so right outside of New York City.

00:51:26.286 --> 00:51:26.797

00:51:27.126 --> 00:51:27.456
Oh yeah.

00:51:27.456 --> 00:51:29.496
So that would be a great place for our retreat center.

00:51:29.976 --> 00:51:31.327
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

00:51:31.327 --> 00:51:32.706
It's just a matter of the land.

00:51:32.887 --> 00:51:35.186
It's probably a little bit more expensive than Oklahoma.

00:51:36.032 --> 00:51:36.601
I'm sure.

00:51:36.842 --> 00:51:37.021

00:51:37.021 --> 00:51:37.172

00:51:37.202 --> 00:51:37.802
just a little bit.

00:51:37.802 --> 00:51:37.891

00:51:38.222 --> 00:51:39.481
But we'll figure it out.

00:51:39.661 --> 00:51:42.722
We got a lot of farms nearby, just like, horse farms and things like that.

00:51:43.271 --> 00:51:43.561

00:51:44.411 --> 00:51:45.202
We'll see you.

00:51:45.762 --> 00:51:46.331
That's exciting.

00:51:46.331 --> 00:51:47.442
You'll have to keep me updated on that.

00:51:47.831 --> 00:51:48.072

00:51:48.072 --> 00:51:48.581

00:51:48.831 --> 00:51:50.251
Tell me Barndominium.

00:51:51.202 --> 00:51:56.331
So the word is across between a barn and a condominium, right?

00:51:56.931 --> 00:51:57.382

00:51:57.632 --> 00:52:01.487
but basically it's the structure of a modern barn, still frame right.

00:52:01.487 --> 00:52:02.407
With 10 sides.

00:52:02.927 --> 00:52:12.461
But people make gorgeous elaborate houses out of them, and it's much cheaper than traditional build and, more environmentally friendly too.

00:52:12.786 --> 00:52:12.996
why is that?

00:52:14.025 --> 00:52:17.385
just the cost of things keeps the energy usage low.

00:52:17.846 --> 00:52:25.056
a lot of times it's like farmers, so they have half of it is a shop or a place to park trucks and stuff, and the other half is a house.

00:52:25.056 --> 00:52:26.135
So it cuts down on.

00:52:26.525 --> 00:52:27.065
All of that.

00:52:27.065 --> 00:52:28.715
gonna have a tractor next door,

00:52:28.715 --> 00:52:29.916
I love the barndominium.

00:52:29.920 --> 00:52:31.300
your parents have a farm

00:52:31.351 --> 00:52:34.021
yeah, I'm actually fifth generation.

00:52:34.681 --> 00:52:35.041

00:52:35.141 --> 00:52:35.431

00:52:35.891 --> 00:52:36.110

00:52:36.231 --> 00:52:39.315
So then you just build it on the property and have your space

00:52:39.365 --> 00:52:45.246
Pretty much, I lived at the farm years ago, in a family farmhouse.

00:52:45.396 --> 00:52:46.416
It's a hundred years old.

00:52:46.420 --> 00:52:50.630
my uncle ended up getting that when my grandpa died, I still wanna live there.

00:52:50.630 --> 00:52:54.231
And I was like, oh, I can't live there cause there's nothing there, there's no houses.

00:52:54.231 --> 00:52:56.840
And my mom was like, go up the road and build you one.

00:52:56.940 --> 00:52:58.030
how big is this farm?

00:52:58.036 --> 00:52:58.661
It's big.

00:52:59.121 --> 00:53:00.831
we have about 3000 acres.

00:53:00.940 --> 00:53:01.231

00:53:01.431 --> 00:53:02.550
So yeah, big, pretty big.

00:53:02.641 --> 00:53:02.885

00:53:02.885 --> 00:53:06.476
Maybe not in the grand, in the farm scheme of things, but 3000 acres.

00:53:06.476 --> 00:53:07.916
I have one, 1.2.

00:53:07.965 --> 00:53:08.246

00:53:08.315 --> 00:53:08.606

00:53:08.606 --> 00:53:09.085
And I love it.

00:53:09.356 --> 00:53:09.646

00:53:10.036 --> 00:53:10.326

00:53:10.385 --> 00:53:12.315
yeah, I think you could find your spot for a house on there.

00:53:12.746 --> 00:53:14.666
There's a perfect spot already.

00:53:14.766 --> 00:53:21.335
years ago, this guy had a trailer house out there and he did immaculate landscaping.

00:53:21.365 --> 00:53:25.295
So trees, there was a deck going out to the pond.

00:53:25.346 --> 00:53:28.865
since then, the trailer's been, bulldozed and buried.

00:53:29.451 --> 00:53:33.141
But you still have this gorgeous pond with trees all around it.

00:53:33.380 --> 00:53:36.291
And I'm just like, it's begging for me to put a house there.

00:53:36.291 --> 00:53:37.121
It just, there you go.

00:53:37.971 --> 00:53:38.641
There you go.

00:53:38.760 --> 00:53:39.451
that's awesome.

00:53:39.501 --> 00:53:42.021
we have this local farm.

00:53:42.025 --> 00:53:47.690
It's like this, it's called Oak Hill Farms, a woman wrote a cookbook and an Instagram.

00:53:48.240 --> 00:53:49.681
She's an influencer basically.

00:53:49.681 --> 00:53:53.016
And she made this little cute farm and it's exactly what you're talking about.

00:53:53.056 --> 00:53:54.255
It's a modern barn.

00:53:54.556 --> 00:54:02.186
And inside they have just like a little shop of like homemade things that she makes and sells and then they have animals in the back.

00:54:02.186 --> 00:54:03.266
It's probably five acres.

00:54:03.266 --> 00:54:04.286
It's like very small.

00:54:04.286 --> 00:54:04.885
it's pretty cool.

00:54:04.885 --> 00:54:06.916
And I like asked her, and I was like, how did you do it?

00:54:06.916 --> 00:54:07.275
did you.

00:54:08.115 --> 00:54:08.746
Work with someone.

00:54:08.746 --> 00:54:10.085
Cause I still want to do it.

00:54:10.356 --> 00:54:14.076
I now wanna build a skate park slash yoga meditation.

00:54:14.130 --> 00:54:15.951
Podcast office.

00:54:16.251 --> 00:54:17.751
All in the same thing.

00:54:18.231 --> 00:54:18.621

00:54:18.675 --> 00:54:21.056
I want the roof to be like this with the windows.

00:54:21.916 --> 00:54:25.166
But you could do that on, on like a, steel frame structure.

00:54:25.166 --> 00:54:25.585
I just,

00:54:25.735 --> 00:54:27.686
yeah, I was gonna say, you need to look into barn, dominiums

00:54:28.826 --> 00:54:29.036

00:54:29.255 --> 00:54:29.856
I will be

00:54:29.856 --> 00:54:30.335
for sure.

00:54:30.335 --> 00:54:34.501
It's perfect for that because that's my face too, is I do art, yoga.

00:54:34.860 --> 00:54:36.661
I wanna do art, yoga retreat center.

00:54:36.666 --> 00:54:36.771

00:54:37.391 --> 00:54:38.010
So yeah.

00:54:38.161 --> 00:54:38.451

00:54:38.791 --> 00:54:39.121
We're on the

00:54:39.121 --> 00:54:39.391
same wave.

00:54:40.050 --> 00:54:40.590
We are.

00:54:40.610 --> 00:54:43.550
when I heard you speaking at Google, I'm like, I need to talk to her.

00:54:43.701 --> 00:54:43.851

00:54:43.911 --> 00:54:45.141
We're on the same wavelength.

00:54:45.501 --> 00:54:48.380
I don't remember exactly what you were presenting on.

00:54:48.431 --> 00:54:50.081
designing your year, I think.

00:54:50.141 --> 00:54:51.550
I was like, your vibe.

00:54:51.550 --> 00:54:52.300
we gotta talk.

00:54:52.360 --> 00:54:53.170
it's gonna be great.

00:54:53.471 --> 00:54:55.380
So now you're gonna like host retreats.

00:54:55.380 --> 00:54:58.471
Is that the part of the bit or just be your home?

00:54:58.951 --> 00:55:02.365
my idea is to have a house and then like across the street have a retreat center.

00:55:02.396 --> 00:55:07.675
Cuz I didn't realize you were from a Google workshop, so you know exactly what I'm talking about.

00:55:08.126 --> 00:55:10.706
those types of workshops.

00:55:10.710 --> 00:55:21.990
it would be nice to, Google for instance, oh, by the way If you wanna host a team building retreat in person, come to my farm in the middle of nowhere where you can totally relax, focus.

00:55:22.851 --> 00:55:23.360

00:55:23.780 --> 00:55:25.221
we have a very similar vision.

00:55:25.221 --> 00:55:25.726
I like it.

00:55:25.936 --> 00:55:29.235
I want to do the same thing I call the skate park cita.

00:55:29.240 --> 00:55:29.626
I love that.

00:55:30.005 --> 00:55:31.327
it's Casita little house.

00:55:31.536 --> 00:55:31.865

00:55:31.896 --> 00:55:36.275
The scale of this casita has now ballooned to 1500 square feet at least.

00:55:36.695 --> 00:55:37.865
So it's more of a house.

00:55:38.286 --> 00:55:40.746
and my wife is like, not on our property.

00:55:40.746 --> 00:55:44.646
You gotta find somewhere else for that, cuz I don't want Randalls from the internet showing up at my house.

00:55:44.666 --> 00:55:45.856
which I

00:55:46.326 --> 00:55:47.076
get it understandable.

00:55:47.076 --> 00:55:50.556
But probably you'll know them in some capacity.

00:55:50.646 --> 00:55:51.030

00:55:51.070 --> 00:55:55.365
if they're willing to spend the money and come retreat with you, they're probably not too weird

00:55:55.786 --> 00:55:56.235

00:55:56.291 --> 00:55:56.740
I would think.

00:55:56.740 --> 00:55:57.431
I would think they're there.

00:55:58.481 --> 00:55:58.771

00:55:59.621 --> 00:56:00.731
And where are you based?

00:56:01.541 --> 00:56:04.692
I'm in New Jersey, so right outside of New York City.

00:56:04.800 --> 00:56:05.311

00:56:05.641 --> 00:56:05.971
Oh yeah.

00:56:05.971 --> 00:56:08.010
So that would be a great place for our retreat center.

00:56:08.490 --> 00:56:09.840
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

00:56:09.840 --> 00:56:11.221
It's just a matter of the land.

00:56:11.400 --> 00:56:13.701
It's probably a little bit more expensive than Oklahoma.

00:56:14.545 --> 00:56:15.115
I'm sure.

00:56:15.356 --> 00:56:15.536

00:56:15.536 --> 00:56:15.686

00:56:15.715 --> 00:56:16.315
just a little bit.

00:56:16.315 --> 00:56:16.405

00:56:16.735 --> 00:56:17.996
But we'll figure it out.

00:56:18.175 --> 00:56:21.235
We got a lot of farms nearby, just like, horse farms and things like that.

00:56:21.786 --> 00:56:22.076

00:56:22.925 --> 00:56:23.715
We'll see you.

00:56:24.275 --> 00:56:24.846
That's exciting.

00:56:24.846 --> 00:56:25.956
You'll have to keep me updated on that.

00:56:26.346 --> 00:56:26.585

00:56:26.585 --> 00:56:27.096

00:56:27.175 --> 00:56:37.023
So when we were talking about, putting yourself out there for the corporate workshops, so you mentioned just like documenting, Hey, here's an outline of what we might do.

00:56:37.534 --> 00:56:41.583
Here's maybe some of the, what are the outcomes or the benefits, and then.

00:56:42.469 --> 00:56:46.088
Just sending that around saying, do you know anyone that might be interested in this?

00:56:46.088 --> 00:56:47.108
Is it really that simple?

00:56:47.918 --> 00:56:48.278

00:56:48.849 --> 00:56:50.318
I'll be very honest with you.

00:56:50.438 --> 00:56:51.458
Gut level honesty.

00:56:51.458 --> 00:56:52.539
So that's how I started.

00:56:52.539 --> 00:57:01.304
Yes, I walked around downtown, handed them out, called people, followed up, and I did a lot in Sonora, which was awesome.

00:57:02.724 --> 00:57:04.523
and then online as well, I did the same thing.

00:57:05.574 --> 00:57:05.903

00:57:05.903 --> 00:57:13.018
Now, fast forward a year later and I'm like, I really wanna do more of these corporate online.

00:57:13.048 --> 00:57:13.978
I love this.

00:57:14.938 --> 00:57:18.219
I went out and hired a marketing coach, okay.

00:57:18.659 --> 00:57:22.978
A very awesome, well-known marketing coach.

00:57:22.978 --> 00:57:24.659
She's amazing.

00:57:24.659 --> 00:57:25.679
Top tier, I would say.

00:57:26.789 --> 00:57:29.009
Do you know what this marketing coach told me to do?

00:57:31.034 --> 00:57:31.543
The same thing.

00:57:31.543 --> 00:57:33.824
You already did the same thing.

00:57:34.123 --> 00:57:35.353
The same thing.

00:57:35.594 --> 00:57:39.559
She goes make you a little spreadsheet of, a list of the companies you wanna contact.

00:57:40.369 --> 00:57:40.938

00:57:41.389 --> 00:57:41.929
Follow up.

00:57:43.188 --> 00:57:43.338

00:57:43.344 --> 00:57:45.818
And I'm like, no, I can't be that simple.

00:57:46.309 --> 00:57:48.798
I'm just like, I don't know, I'm kind scared.

00:57:49.429 --> 00:57:49.728

00:57:49.733 --> 00:57:57.603
that's literally, and so it's on my to-do list right now, cuz several months have gone by and I have not done it.

00:57:58.264 --> 00:58:00.443
And she's I'm like, are you sure there's not another way?

00:58:00.443 --> 00:58:03.318
Are you sure there's not like a hack or she's you gotta do what you gotta do.

00:58:03.324 --> 00:58:04.489
Like it's, go do it.

00:58:04.579 --> 00:58:06.048
I'm like, all All right.

00:58:06.148 --> 00:58:06.393

00:58:06.398 --> 00:58:08.063
So you're gonna do it well, yeah.

00:58:08.164 --> 00:58:12.873
What I need to do truthfully is journal, why am I not doing this?

00:58:12.923 --> 00:58:13.764
What's coming up for you?

00:58:13.764 --> 00:58:14.704
Where are you stalling?

00:58:14.733 --> 00:58:17.778
What's, Because I don't really have an answer on the top of my head.

00:58:17.784 --> 00:58:18.798
I don't know why I wouldn't.

00:58:18.858 --> 00:58:20.568
Cuz I've set this goal.

00:58:20.568 --> 00:58:22.998
I've got my sticky notes with my goals everywhere.

00:58:23.358 --> 00:58:24.119
I visualize it.

00:58:24.239 --> 00:58:25.278
You've done it before.

00:58:25.759 --> 00:58:27.378
I'm doing it already, right?

00:58:27.438 --> 00:58:27.798

00:58:27.798 --> 00:58:29.329
So I'm like, so why?

00:58:29.389 --> 00:58:30.768
What is holding me back?

00:58:30.768 --> 00:58:35.273
So I need to take my own medicine and dive into, dive into that.

00:58:35.724 --> 00:58:36.023

00:58:36.474 --> 00:58:42.304
And is there, when you do it, is there is it just like anyone you have connections with at the company?

00:58:42.304 --> 00:58:44.844
Are you like trying to get to the right person?

00:58:45.534 --> 00:58:45.954

00:58:45.954 --> 00:58:50.173
It's that's for me, I think oh, there's gotta be like a right person and this and that.

00:58:51.034 --> 00:58:53.414
I think there, I think it's a little bit of both.

00:58:53.623 --> 00:59:00.498
Like one company, I had a direct connection, like a very tight contact that I knocked and knocked on that door, nothing.

00:59:01.759 --> 00:59:10.800
And then a year later, the same company, someone who did not know me, did not know that connection, came and a, and had found me online and asked me to work for them.

00:59:11.458 --> 00:59:16.579
So there's times like that where you're like, okay, that's just the universe or whatever, but Right.

00:59:16.648 --> 00:59:20.068
I've tried both, if you have a connection, I say Absolutely use it.

00:59:20.074 --> 00:59:20.409
Try that.

00:59:20.409 --> 00:59:20.648

00:59:20.869 --> 00:59:21.088

00:59:21.239 --> 00:59:21.719
Try it.

00:59:21.719 --> 00:59:31.998
But then, I think that's, maybe that's my hesitation cuz more what I'm trying now is actually going and looking for, okay, who does the HR or who does wellness?

00:59:32.048 --> 00:59:38.634
It's different company to company and then pitching them cold, which is definitely harder than having a contact, but, That.

00:59:38.684 --> 00:59:39.824
how else are they gonna know about you

00:59:40.213 --> 00:59:41.083
if you don't tell'em?

00:59:41.143 --> 00:59:41.534

00:59:41.804 --> 00:59:42.344
Got it.

00:59:42.971 --> 00:59:46.240
so Hailey, let's jump into the Mindful Fire final four.

00:59:46.331 --> 00:59:46.840
Are you ready?

00:59:47.471 --> 00:59:47.800

00:59:48.791 --> 00:59:49.420
All right.

00:59:49.601 --> 00:59:52.840
So the first question is about envisioning.

00:59:54.940 --> 01:00:08.771
Envisioning is all about using the power of your mind to think big and to create the future that you want, using your predictive brain and taking action and actually telling people what you want.

01:00:09.471 --> 01:00:22.315
Just tell me about a time in your life where you wanted to make something happen, and maybe you didn't know how it was gonna come to be, but you made it happen cuz you, you followed your intuition and your vision.

01:00:24.715 --> 01:00:31.282
my first PR job about a year in, there was an entrepreneur calling there that I needed to follow.

01:00:31.282 --> 01:00:32.391
I wasn't sure how.

01:00:33.621 --> 01:00:36.681
I remember very clearly I was walking down.

01:00:36.782 --> 01:00:39.242
I loved the job, but I knew I didn't wanna be there forever.

01:00:39.302 --> 01:00:44.012
I knew that I had to somehow leap into this business thing, whatever that looked like.

01:00:44.762 --> 01:00:49.891
And I remember one day very clearly, I was walking down, walking by myself, okay?

01:00:49.922 --> 01:00:50.972
I did not plan that.

01:00:51.121 --> 01:00:59.411
And just realized that, walking down a dirt road by myself and I walked past a cemetery, really old, beautiful cemetery.

01:01:00.702 --> 01:01:03.972
And I remember I was like 22 years old.

01:01:03.972 --> 01:01:11.411
And I remember just thinking, oh my gosh, life is going to pass me by before I know it, it just goes so quick.

01:01:12.161 --> 01:01:16.092
I need to do something like, I don't know, I just need to do something.

01:01:17.052 --> 01:01:23.001
And my solution was, I said, I wanna move somewhere beautiful.

01:01:23.632 --> 01:01:25.882
I'm gonna save, I'm gonna start a savings account.

01:01:25.972 --> 01:01:30.411
Just start putting money in there, and I'll make a goal within a year to move.

01:01:31.777 --> 01:01:35.016
Which looking back I'm like, oh, so young.

01:01:35.117 --> 01:01:39.797
so I started stashing money for whatever, just a random thing.

01:01:39.827 --> 01:01:44.577
And kid you, not a few months go by, I've got a, a decent amount saved.

01:01:44.581 --> 01:01:54.027
And a friend of mine came in my office and said, I'm moving to Australia.

01:01:54.626 --> 01:01:56.007
Can I borrow your laptop?

01:01:56.967 --> 01:01:59.996
And I said, I'm gonna, where do I sign up?

01:02:00.902 --> 01:02:02.686
And it was as simple as that.

01:02:03.177 --> 01:02:06.708
And I look back, I'm like, that was really weird, but it was an intuitive hit.

01:02:07.086 --> 01:02:08.797
I knew I wanted to go somewhere beautiful.

01:02:08.797 --> 01:02:10.356
I didn't know where or how or whatever.

01:02:10.356 --> 01:02:15.217
I just started falling that intuition right by putting the money away and.

01:02:16.172 --> 01:02:20.251
time went on and I spent a year traveling the whole country.

01:02:20.251 --> 01:02:22.442
Had a beautiful experience, a wonderful time.

01:02:22.492 --> 01:02:24.202
something I'm most proud of in my twenties.

01:02:24.302 --> 01:02:32.251
sometimes it's just those fuzzy little pictures start coming in and you gotta just start taking action and just trusting that it'll unfold.

01:02:33.331 --> 01:02:33.722

01:02:34.052 --> 01:02:34.231

01:02:34.231 --> 01:02:41.672
I've had so many times in my life like that where it's I was mentioning that, leading the workshop at that camp, Like it's, I have no idea Yeah.

01:02:41.851 --> 01:02:43.172
How this is gonna happen.

01:02:43.271 --> 01:02:44.411
I just wanted to go back there.

01:02:44.411 --> 01:02:49.762
I wanted to, maybe I could teach mindfulness there and then, so Cool.

01:02:49.871 --> 01:03:01.371
I happened to look at their website, which I did every once in a while, and I happened on the job page, which I had never been to before, and I saw they were hiring for a wellness instructor, Summer camps don't really hire wellness instructors.

01:03:01.371 --> 01:03:01.532

01:03:01.914 --> 01:03:10.255
and then I just sent the email and then I followed up and now I'm like, friends with the Director of Health and Wellness and I led this workshop and we're friends.

01:03:10.304 --> 01:03:18.735
You never know, but if you don't create space to think and dream and envision what you want, you're just gonna keep doing what you're doing.

01:03:18.954 --> 01:03:20.224
yeah, I love that story.

01:03:20.224 --> 01:03:25.195
And yeah, you're gonna have that memory of Australia, that you're in Australia for the rest of your life.

01:03:25.199 --> 01:03:25.264

01:03:25.675 --> 01:03:25.885

01:03:25.885 --> 01:03:31.375
And that is, that is worth more than any amount of money that you could have earned in that PR job, for sure.

01:03:31.614 --> 01:03:32.284

01:03:32.994 --> 01:03:33.664

01:03:33.864 --> 01:03:33.954

01:03:34.465 --> 01:03:40.735
So the second question is, what piece of advice would you give to someone early on their path to financial independence?

01:03:43.614 --> 01:03:44.574
Good question.

01:03:44.637 --> 01:03:51.572
I've studied financial independence again since I was 18, cuz I knew something was, again, those fuzzy pictures.

01:03:51.623 --> 01:03:56.182
And I think that there's a lot of different ways to obtain it, right?

01:03:57.563 --> 01:04:00.733
So it's more, again, I'm gonna have to bring it back to purpose.

01:04:02.833 --> 01:04:07.992
I would say figure out how you want to be financially independent.

01:04:09.143 --> 01:04:11.152
is it passive income?

01:04:11.362 --> 01:04:21.552
Is it what I do is very active, but I love it and I want to do it, maybe it's owning properties, but do you have a passion for owning properties or you're just doing that cuz someone said it'll make you money, right?

01:04:21.583 --> 01:04:26.443
I think you have to really be aligned with the method that you choose.

01:04:27.643 --> 01:04:32.992
so yeah, and I also would encourage you to ask yourself, How do you wanna spend your time?

01:04:33.023 --> 01:04:34.972
And these two questions go hand in hand.

01:04:35.023 --> 01:04:36.342
what is your ideal day?

01:04:36.342 --> 01:04:38.592
What is your ideal way to spend your life?

01:04:39.023 --> 01:04:48.123
when I ask myself that again and again over the years, it always comes back to, oh, I wanna teach and I wanna paint and I wanna write, and, you know what I mean?

01:04:48.123 --> 01:04:49.853
So I built a career doing that.

01:04:49.873 --> 01:04:51.402
maybe you don't wanna do any of that.

01:04:51.432 --> 01:05:06.592
Maybe, if it's not I wanna speak on a podcast all day, then maybe there's a different route or whatever, so having your listeners really think about what is that ultimate vision of fulfillment, not just, I want a nice car and a nice house, forget about the money.

01:05:07.072 --> 01:05:10.222
What would a fulfilling life look like for you?

01:05:10.882 --> 01:05:18.072
And then maybe plan accordingly for that, to find that, that, financial freedom through that avenue.

01:05:19.222 --> 01:05:19.512

01:05:19.873 --> 01:05:36.742
So really Tune into what you feel your purpose is or might be and what you can experiment with to start to get clearer on that so that you can design your life and then work back from there to start taking the steps to put the financial pieces in place to make

01:05:37.072 --> 01:05:37.523
it well said.

01:05:38.152 --> 01:05:38.782

01:05:39.172 --> 01:05:40.342
Yes, absolutely.

01:05:41.483 --> 01:05:42.202
Very cool.

01:05:42.632 --> 01:05:48.483
third question is, what piece of advice would you give to someone getting started with meditation and or mindfulness?

01:05:48.782 --> 01:05:51.652
Be grace giving with yourself.

01:05:51.652 --> 01:05:52.733
Give yourself grace.

01:05:53.092 --> 01:05:57.518
You don't need to be able to sit still for an hour on your first day.

01:05:59.047 --> 01:06:03.427
You don't need an hour of, mindful drawing every day right off the bat.

01:06:03.458 --> 01:06:04.088
You know what I mean?

01:06:04.088 --> 01:06:08.978
Start again with the small pockets of time that you have and let that be enough.

01:06:09.458 --> 01:06:16.507
Let yourself be grateful that you spent five minutes or two minutes.

01:06:17.498 --> 01:06:27.547
Sometimes I'm doing shavana, just corpse pose and yoga, and I can only sit two minutes, but let that be, Hey, I'm proud of yourself.

01:06:27.547 --> 01:06:30.907
We sat two minutes stillness, or we did two minutes of mindfulness.

01:06:31.387 --> 01:06:35.378
Let that be awesome because I guarantee you two minutes will change your whole day.

01:06:36.822 --> 01:06:38.077
Five minutes will change your whole day.

01:06:38.077 --> 01:06:42.998
letting just whatever you can do or whatever you do, just be grateful to yourself for doing it.

01:06:42.998 --> 01:06:46.713
and again, gracious, give yourself all that self-love.

01:06:49.003 --> 01:06:49.447

01:06:49.867 --> 01:06:50.768
You said something there.

01:06:50.773 --> 01:06:52.867
That's one of my favorite phrases.

01:06:53.257 --> 01:06:54.367
Let it be enough.

01:06:54.878 --> 01:06:55.418

01:06:55.777 --> 01:06:55.898

01:06:55.947 --> 01:07:01.777
so powerful that in itself can change your life if you let Absolutely.

01:07:01.777 --> 01:07:08.467
Whatever is be enough as it is, can change your whole experience of life.

01:07:08.498 --> 01:07:09.788
it's an ongoing practice.

01:07:09.788 --> 01:07:12.367
This you saying it is reminding me of it.

01:07:12.728 --> 01:07:14.018
So I love that.

01:07:14.518 --> 01:07:19.137
and then the final question, Haley, is how can people connect with you online?

01:07:19.498 --> 01:07:24.693
Learn more, what you're up to learn about your offerings and the resources you mentioned today.

01:07:24.963 --> 01:07:26.222
Where can people connect with you online?

01:07:27.543 --> 01:07:30.273
Absolutely, I would love to connect with all of you.

01:07:30.322 --> 01:07:37.342
and if you reach out, please let me know that you heard me on Adam's podcast so I can share that success with him.

01:07:37.347 --> 01:07:39.503
I always think it's fun to know how people find us.

01:07:39.952 --> 01:07:46.143
but I am on everywhere at the Sparkling Hippie, and most active probably on Instagram.

01:07:46.873 --> 01:08:00.262
but I also have, Facebook group and website is the sparkling, and you can find all of my offerings and, the free stuff that we mentioned today, you can find those there.

01:08:00.663 --> 01:08:08.217
and I'd be really interested to hear, what does come up for you guys if you try the five minute mindfulness activity or if you take the free quiz or both.

01:08:08.268 --> 01:08:14.518
I would be very interested to hear how you evolve as a result of this podcast and those free tools.

01:08:14.737 --> 01:08:17.438
Would love to connect with whoever and wherever.

01:08:18.908 --> 01:08:19.597

01:08:20.028 --> 01:08:24.347
thank you so much, Haley, for being here and joining me and sharing your wisdom with the audience.

01:08:25.037 --> 01:08:25.457
Thank you,

01:08:25.462 --> 01:08:25.787

01:08:25.787 --> 01:08:29.478
It's been a pleasure and I hope that everyone has a great day.

01:08:30.377 --> 01:08:30.648

01:08:31.097 --> 01:08:31.608
take care.