Sept. 5, 2023

116 : Meditation : Train Your Mind to Spot Opportunity

In this episode: Guided affirmations practice to speed up your journey to FI

One way to speed up your journey to financial independence is to train yourself to spot opportunities and to take action when you find them. This could be a new job, reconnecting with an old friend or colleague or trying a side hustle. When your mind is ready to see opportunities, the possibilities are endless.

Today’s guided meditation trains your mind to be ready to see opportunities everywhere and to take action to move your life in the direction you want. I do this practice everyday and it’s impact on my life cannot be overstated. During a time when I was at one of the lowest points in my adult life this practice helped me train my mind to be ready to see opportunity and to take action to move my life forward. I’ll share more about the full story of that in the near future.

Today’s meditation is an affirmations practice, which I think of as practicing the thoughts & beliefs that I want to embody in my life. This type of practice can be used to practice any thoughts or beliefs we want to show up with in our lives, as we did in another affirmations practice I shared previously.

In this particular meditation we will focus on practicing the thoughts:

  1. The world is abundant with opportunity. My life and work are abundant with opportunity.
  2. I take action in my life, which leads to learning progress and growth.

This practice takes advantage of the fact that our brains are predictive. Our brains are constantly predicting what is most likely to happen and setting in motion the thoughts, perceptions, emotions and even physiological responses for what is expected.

I like to think of it this way...We’re telling ourselves stories about how our life is going to be and then acting out those stories. The good news is that we can use this feature of our brain to be intentional about the stories we tell ourselves and put our predicting brain to work for us.

I hope you enjoy this powerful practice. I plan to share more content around the idea of putting your predicting brain to work for you as you pursue financial independence. Subscribe to our email list to be notified when this becomes available.

🔥 Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Finally answer "What do I actually want?" and start living your best life now

Download my Free Envisioning Guide

2. Connect with me LinkedIn where I post about crafting a life you love & making work optional using mindfulness, envisioning & financial independence. My DMs are open.

Adam Coelho:

I invite you to find a position that allows you to be alert and relaxed at the same time. Rest your hands, wherever's comfortable. Close your eyes or gaze down a few feet in front of you and let's begin with three deep breaths, in and out. And as you finish your third breath or wherever you're at, just drop into the body. Drop into noticing with curiosity, what it's like in your body right now. Setting aside everything that has come before and everything that is yet to come, and just dropping into this. Seeing your body as it is right now, noticing if there are any emotions present and how and where they're showing up in your body. I'm noticing if there is any tension or tightness that you can release on your next exhale. Relaxing even more into this moment, into taking this time for yourself to rest and awareness of your own goodness. Noticing any thoughts that are in the mind? Noticing if your mind is busy or if it's calm, if it's tense, or if it's relaxed. Really just curious as to what is it like in my mind right now, letting it be just as it is with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and kindness right now in my body, in my mind, it's like this. It's like this. I'm letting go of that. I invite you to bring your mind to the. Resting your awareness on the sensations of breathing wherever you feel the most in the body right now. Breathing in, I'm aware that I'm breathing in. I'm breathing out. I'm aware that I'm breathing out right now. There's nothing that needs to be done, nowhere that we need to go. Simply resting here, aware of justice in breath. And just this out breath, each one completely unique, never having happened before. And each one, your life happening moment by moment by moment. And breath. By breath, by breath. And so resting in awareness of the, in unfolding of your life. Breath by. Whenever you notice that your mind has been pulled away into thought or distraction, no problem. Just simply become aware that thinking is happening and become aware of what's on your mind. Noticing with a kind, curious, open attitude towards yourself and whatever's there, and then just gently choosing to come back and start once again at the breath. Each in breath is a new beginning. Each out breath is a chance to let go. And relax more and more into the peace of this moment. And in a moment, I'm going to invite you to join me. Affirmations and visualization exercise. I'm going to invite you to repeat a phrase silently in your mind and to visualize how this is true for you in the past imagining situations. Imagining them as vividly as possible, including at the feeling level, seeing yourself living this value, this belief, and then I'll guide you through doing that in the present and then in the future. And so let's take a deep breath in. And let it go. And one more repeating silently. The world is abundant with opportunity. My life and work are abundant with opportunity. So repeating that silently. And now I invite you to visualize situations in the past where that was true, where opportunities came your way. Or something wonderful happened. Just imagining and visualizing these moments in your life as vividly as possible, noticing what it feels like as you relive this moment in your mind. And now I invite you to come into the present. The world is abundant with opportunity. My life and work are incredibly abundant with opportunity. How is this true in your life right now? Imagining. Recognizing the ways in which this is true in visualizing those scenarios in your mind and feeling what it feels like in your body as you do, and really. Get curious about the feelings and emotions that are arising as you visualize this in your mind. It makes this extra powerful. Taking a deep breath in hand out. Now I invite you to imagine how this will be true in the future. Repeating again, the world is abundant with opportunity. My life and work are incredibly abundant with opportunity. So whatever is going on in your life, imagine the future in which opportunities will. Seemingly out of nowhere and enrich your life, whether it be finding a new career opportunity, improving a relationship, exploring a new passion or an old passion in a way that is enriching or whatever else comes to mind. Imagine yourself and visualize this happen. As if it were happening right here, right. What does it feel like in your body? Perhaps joy, perhaps excitement, perhaps surprise. Simply getting curious about what it would feel like, what it does feel like as you imagine yourself there. Receiving abundant opportunity. Now taking a deep breath in and letting it go. And now I invite you to bring to mind another affirmation, and that is, I take action in my life, which leads to learning progress and growth. Repeating silently in your mind and imagining in the past, how was this true? Seeing yourself taking action, creating opportunity. Moving your life forward in a direction that is meaningful to you. Visualizing this and feeling what it feels like. Taking a deep breath and letting it go and repeating again in your mind silently. I take action in my life, which leads to learning progress and growth. And imagine how that's true in the present. Seeing the actions you're taking to move your life forward and seeing how that feels to recognize and appreciate those. small steps. You, no matter how small, now, move your life forward. Taking a deep breath in. And uh, now I invite you to repeat it once more. I take action in my life, which leads to learning progress and growth and visualize and imagine how this will be true in the future. Seeing yourself, taking action, moving on, the opportunities that come across your path, creating your own opportunities, and just moving your life forward in the way that you desire. Now I invite you to take a deep breath and as we let it go, returning to the sensations of breathing and resting for a few moments at the breath, checking in again with your body and your mind, and noticing if anything has shifted. Let us close this practice with three deep breaths together, breathing in and out once more. And finally the last one. And in a moment I'll ring the bell and at your own pace and in your own way, come back into the room, open your eyes and take one final mindful. As a reminder that this is available to you anywhere, anytime.

Thanks for joining me for today's guided meditation. If you enjoyed today's episode, I invite you to hit subscribe wherever you're listening to this. This just lets the platforms know you're getting value from the episodes and you want to be here when I release additional content. If you're ready to start your Mindful Fire journey, go to mindful and download my free envisioning guide in just 10 minutes. This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life. Again, you can download it for slash start. Thanks again, and I'll catch you next time on the. Fire podcast.