Aug. 8, 2023

112 : Meditation : Self Compassion (10 mins)

Join me for this short 10 minute guided meditation on self compassion. We're usually so very hard on ourselves so I hope you'll take this short break to practice a little kindness towards yourself.

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1. Finally answer "What do I actually want?" and start living your best life now

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Let's begin by finding a position that allows you to be both alert and relaxed at the same time. Close your eyes or gaze down a few feet in front of you, and let's just drop into this moment with three deep breaths. And as we begin this practice together, I invite you to check in with how you're arriving here in this moment, tuning into your body, noticing any sensations, and tuning into your mind and noticing the state of your mind if it's busy, if it's calm. If you're feeling tense or relaxed, just meeting yourself where you are right now in this moment. Seeing if you can bring a open and curious, loving awareness to how you're feeling right now. Regardless of if it's pleasant or unpleasant, just recognizing that right now it's like this. It's like this. And as you breathe with what is, I invite you to feature the sensations of breathing wherever they're most vivid in your body right now in center stage. Resting in the simplicity of an awareness of breathing, and let us now shift gears into a simple self-compassion practice. If you'd like putting a hand on your heart and another on your belly, if that's comfortable, and imagining yourself in your mind's. Repeat these phrases of well wishes silently in your mind. May I be happy and peaceful? May I be healthy and safe. May I be free from pain, illness and suffering? May I may I recognize my strength and my resilience. May I feel loved and supported, and may I live my life with ease, taking a deep breath in. One more really letting it go. And let's take one more lap through those well wishes, repeating again, silently to yourself. May I be happy and peaceful. May I be healthy and safe? May I be free from pain, illness and suffering? May I recognize my strength and my resilience? May I feel loved and supported. And may I live my life with ease, taking a deep breath in and. Let us now extend these wishes to all people everywhere in the world. Imagining as you repeat these phrases silently in your mind, that they're radiating out from you and touching all people in the world. May all people be happy and at ease. May all people be healthy and safe. May all people be free from pain, illness and suffering. May all people recognize their strength and their resilience. May all people feel loved and supported. And may all people live their life with ease, taking a deep breath in and letting it. And returning now to the breath, and again, checking in with yourself as you sit and breathe. Moment by moment by moment. And breath by breath by breath. Noticing how you feel now. Noticing if anything has shifted, but most importantly, noticing and accepting how things are right now. Because right now it's like this. And as we complete this practice together, I invite you. To bring to mind an intention. An intention for how you'd like to show up for yourself and others as you approach the rest of your day, just seeing what arises in your mind. And let us finish this practice with three deep breaths together, breathing in and uh, Once more really letting it go. In a moment, I'll ring the bell and I invite you to slowly open your eyes. And take one final mindful breath as a reminder that this is available to you anywhere, anytime, and it just takes a moment of focusing intentionally on. Thank you so much for your attention. I'd love to hear any comments or thoughts about the practice. Thanks for joining me for today's guided meditation. If you enjoyed today's episode, I invite you to hit subscribe wherever you're listening to this. This just lets the platforms know you're getting value from the episodes and you want to be here when I release additional content. If you're ready to start your Mindful Fire journey, go to mindful and download my free envisioning guide in just 10 minutes. This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life. Again, you can download it for slash start. Thanks again, and I'll catch you next time on the. Fire podcast.