May 23, 2023

100 : Meditation : What Does Gratitude Feel Like?

In this episode: Simple awareness and gratitude practice

Welcome to this week's guided meditation practice! For this session, we will be practicing a simple mindful awareness exercise. In this shorter version, we will focus on bringing a kind and curious awareness to our breathing experience, moment by moment and breath by breath.

To wrap up our practice, we will take a moment to consider someone or something in our lives that we are extremely grateful for. Then, we will take the time to rest in a kind and curious awareness of the feeling of gratitude.

I truly hope you enjoy this simple but powerful practice. Thank you for joining me today!

🔥 Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you:

1. Complete my Free Envisioning Guide to get clear on what you truly want
2. Connect with me LinkedIn where I post every weekday at 8:20 am ET about crafting a life you love & making work optional using mindfulness, envisioning & financial independence.

3. Only 3 Slots Left For 2023 : Invest in a 1:1 vision coaching call with me

  • Figure out your next move
  • By getting clear on what you want
  • Make it happen with envisioning practices

4. Book a Team Envisioning Workshop : Unlock your team's potential by aligning on a shared vision and helping people see how they fit into making that vision a reality and how it helps them move towards their own personal vision.


Adam Coelho: I invite you to find a position that allows you to be both alert and relaxed at the same. Sitting with a tall, straight back, resting your hands, wherever's comfortable and gently closing your eyes. We're casing down with a soft, unfocused case

and let's begin with three deep breaths together. Breathing in.

I'm breathing out.

As we begin this practice, just taking a moment to check in with your. Noticing with curiosity, what it's like in your body in this moment

and in your mind,

noticing any sensations in the body, any areas of warmth or coolness, tension or ease. Or even more subtle sensations like vibration or tickling or prickling. Just taking a inventory of how it feels in your body right now,

allowing everything to be just as it is and observing with a kind, curious awareness.

I am extending this awareness to the mind, noticing what it's like in your mind right now.

Is here calm, tense, or relaxed Again, meeting it just as it is the kind, curious awareness.

And now I invite you to find your way to the breath.

Noticing where you feel the breath sensations most vividly right now in your body. Perhaps at the belly or the chest expanding and contracting,

or the nose or the mouth where the air is coming in and going out, wherever you notice it. Just resting your awareness there and just observing this sin, breath

and this out breath. Just as it is, no need to control. Just observing as it comes in and goes out moment by moment by moment. And breath by breath by breath.

And whenever you notice that your mind is drifted off from the breath, which you will, because that's what the mind does. Just notice in awareness what's on your mind. Bringing that same kind, curious awareness to whatever has come up. Meeting it just as it is, and then choosing to come back to the. I'm gonna start again.

This in breath

and this out breath. Each in breath is a new beginning. Each outbreath is a chance to let go.

And again, just checking in with your mind, noticing if your attention is on the breath or if it has drifted off somewhere else.

And you may find it helpful to use a simple label when you notice, oh, I'm planning, I'm fantasizing. I'm in the future or the past. Just giving it a simple label and then choosing to come back to the breath and starting again over and over again, returning to the breath.

Each time you do, it's like a bicep curl for your mental muscles of attention and meta attention, and so being glad that you noticed and just coming back and beginning once again.

And in these last remaining moments of our practice together today, I invite you to bring to mind someone or something that you are incredibly grateful for. Just noticing what arises in your mind. And rest for a few moments. Sitting and breathing, basking in this feeling of gratitude, noticing where you feel it in your body with that same kind, curious, open awareness.

And now let us finish with three deep breaths together, breathing in,

and that again,

once more.

And when you're ready, opening your eyes, taking one final mindful breath with your eyes open

as a reminder that this is available to you anywhere, anytime, and it just takes a moment.

Thank you very much for your a.

[00:16:06] Outro

Welcome to the Mindful Fire Podcast, a show about crafting a life you love and making work optional using the tools of mindfulness, envisioning and financial independence. I'm your host, Adam Koyo, and I'm so glad you're here. Each episode of the Mindful Fire Podcast explores these three tools through teachings, guided meditations, and inspiring interviews with people actually living them to craft a life they love.

At its core, mindful Fire is about creating more awareness and choice in. Mindfulness helps you develop self-awareness to know yourself better and what's most important to you by practicing a kind, curious awareness. Envisioning is all about choosing to think big about your life and putting the power of your predicting brain to work to create the life you dream of.

And financial independence brings awareness and choice to your financial. Empowering you to make your vision a reality by getting your money sorted out and ultimately making work optional. And here's the best part, you don't have to wait until you reach financial independence to live out your vision.

Mindful fires about using these tools to craft that life. Now on the path to financial independence and. If you're ready to start your Mindful Fire journey, go to mindful and download my free envisioning guide in just 10 minutes. This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life.

Again, you can download it for slash start. Let's jump into today's guided me.