Welcome to the Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I’m your host Adam Coelho and I’m glad you’re here.

Today we talk to my friend, Spencer Sherman, a financial advisor, mindfulness teacher and owner of Abacus Wealth Partners. Spencer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. I learned so much from Spencer in this episode and I’m excited to share it with you.

In this show you’ll learn:
-How a huge fire in the office building where Spencer worked changed his life forever. And how and why he ran back into the building
-That most people believe that their net worth equals their self worth and how Spencer works with clients to change that belief system
-Why Spencer says that “enough” is the dirtiest word in the English language and how if we can practice “enough” in our lives we can see that we can and already do have it all, right now
-How our beliefs about money impact how we live our lives and that we can begin to change behavior just by recognizing and becoming aware of the behavior
-Some simple but powerful practices to start to bring more awareness and choice to your relationship with money and with others in relation to money.
Spencer’s advice to save money and have a plan but recognize that the goal is to be with your life in this moment right now. Don’t live in the future

And so much more. I hope you enjoy my wonderful conversation with my friend Spencer Sherman.