Each Tuesday I release a guided meditation or inspiring interview exploring mindfulness and financial independence. Subscribe now!

We spend so much time resisting what is happening, in big and small ways, rather than just meeting it and seeing it as it is. We add a whole story layer to our experience, often filled with judgement and resistance.

Join me in this 20 minute guided mindfulness meditation practice to meet yourself exactly where you are right now. This practice is all about accepting what is happening in your experience with a loving awareness. This is the heart of mindfulness – seeing things as they are without judgment.

Today’s practice is just that, an opportunity to just check in and see what is happening right here, right now. In our body and in our mind. “Right now…It’s like this”. This is a mantra I notice myself resisting what’s happening.

We begin the practice by taking 3 deep breaths to arrive here in this moment. Then we check in with ourselves and see what it’s like in our body and mind right now. We practice cultivating an attitude of openness, curiosity and kindness towards ourselves and whatever is arising in our experience. “Right now…It’s like this”. After resting for a while in the awareness of what is, we transition to a simple self kindness or self compassion practice where we practice sending ourselves some good vibes and well wishes.

I hope you enjoy this practice. If you do, please share it with your friends…I bet one or two could really use it right now.

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