In this episode, I’m again joined by my friend Morgan Bricca for Part 2 of our conversation. Today we explore the idea of “Craftsmanship”, which I think of pursuing and getting better at something for its own sake. For Morgan, her primary focus for craftsmanship is painting beautiful murals that make an impact but she has also applied craftsmanship to her blog, podcast and now a book she wrote and will release in the near future. In this episode we focus on craftsmanship as it relates to podcasting, since I’m new to the game and learning so much with every episode (BTW, thanks for being here!).

In today’s episode you’ll also learn quite a bit about me including things that even some of my close friends don’t know. That’s because Morgan turns the tables on me and starts asking me questions that make me reflect on some of the limiting beliefs I have about money, self-improvement and what it means to be and have enough. I’ve got to be honest, things get pretty real but I learned a ton about myself.

If you haven’t yet listened to Episode 6, I recommend checking it out to learn more about how Morgan applies the principles of financial independence and mindfulness in her life to live a life filled with alignment and purpose.

As a reminder, Morgan Bricca is a mural artist, meditator, blogger, author and podcaster in the San Francisco Bay Area. She discovered Financial Independence early on in life and immediately applied the principles in her life, which allowed her to reclaim her time and ultimately leave a job that was unfulfilling to pursue being a professional mural artist. Now, Morgan enjoys life on her terms and has built a mural painting business that allows her to work part-time while earning six figures and making an impact in the community.

In today’s episode Morgan and I dive into:
What “Craftsmanship” means
Why Morgan feels “Craftsmanship” is about growing and improving in the long run
And why that means we should not put so much pressure on ourselves in the short term
What Morgan learned from her reaction to a slow “clunker” blocking her way on the highway
The question of “What is enough?” and how it applies to a lot more than just money
How we can ease up and be kinder towards ourselves
Why it’s important to invest time and money into yourself and the skills you’re interested in
How Adam’s fear of spending money prevents him from investing in himself
Some of the limiting beliefs Adam has discovered after many years of meditation and listening to the thoughts inside his head

And so much more. I hope you enjoy my wonderful conversation with my friend Morgan Bricca.

Make sure to check out Morgan’s incredible murals by visiting her website.

Read the full show notes at